Is Clerks kino?

Is Clerks kino?

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The first one yes. It’s one of the best something from nothings and is essential watching for early 20s.

1 is classic. 2 is decent. 3 looks horrible

Olaf berserker

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The best student film ever made. I find Kevin Smith insufferable post Clerks. Mallrats was fine

The only Kino version is the one that aired at Sundance.

I mean Harvey Weinstein funded the second one so of course they're KINO

You're missing out! Chicks with dicks!

>Balls restin' on his lips...

>A shitty last second addition that even a kike groomer didn't like
Truly you are a contrarian

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In a row?

try not to suck any dicks through the thread

I'm not even supposed to BE here today

I torrented the extended cut with the animated short where Dante loses his keys in the pants of the dead girl w/ the fat ass, was kino indeed, 8.99/10

>be Kevin Smith
>make a film which turns out to be a one-of-a-kind KINO true to the heart of his experience living in New Jersey
>gets Hollywood attention
>suddenly all of his films are lifeless Hollywood comedies which seem to deny the experience of New Jersey and gradually decline into the very thing he makes fun of in Clerks
possibly the most brutal fall from grace of all Gen X'rs

Yes. The Animated Series is

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>”sorry I’m late, there was this big bee…”