How much do you spend on a haircut in your country?

How much do you spend on a haircut in your country?

$9 per time, 5 times a year

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30 bucks, like two or three times per year.

I either buzzcut or style it on my own.

Once a year or two for $20.

Every six weeks

How do you endure being uncut for six months

30 USD, every month.

I just buzz my own hair once every few months, saves me a decent amount of cash, I always thought barbers are kind of a waste of money for men, we have the privilege of looking good even with the most basic ass hair

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I like the feel of hair around my head.

0$, my mother does it for me. Earlier I did it myself

Long hair feels good.

How do you do by myself
By Scissors and clippers?

>feels good.
its a bitch to take care of

i cut my hair by myself

I just comb once a month or so when it starts to get dreaded. Not really that much effort.

I just cut mine off after six years. So much faster to get ready for work.

I spent $360 + tip dying my hair purple. Probably not worth it, but I can't argue with results.

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15€ at immigrant barber

I feel that, I remember I dreaded taking showers back when I had long hair because I would have to shampoo it for like 10 minutes, now its as easy as one two three

I'm letting mine grow out rn

Short hair needs less time to be dry, so good

I have not cut my hair since 2015

What happened?


>ranges between curly jewfro and short curly jewfro
Men definitely need barbers, for me I look like shit if I don’t get it cut

4 times a year

girls with purple hair are cute

₹80 (~$1) for haircut and shave, 4-5 times a year

1.5 dollars 1 time in a 5 years


Around 15-16 times a year