Anymore dreamlike kinos like this made by someone other than Lynch? I've seen all of Lynchs works

Anymore dreamlike kinos like this made by someone other than Lynch? I've seen all of Lynchs works

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The zoomers are ready for Malick

There's no one like Lynch, unfortunately. Try Possessor though.

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how did I never notice that's the other girl with the blonde wig and not Naomi Watts on the cover

>I've seen all of Lynchs works
Wow, then you've seen a lot of trash movies/TV.


Synechdoche New York, I´m thinking of ending things, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the congress, Vals Im Bashir, A Scanner Darkly, Brazil, The man who killed Don Quixote...

isn't that the same as scanners?

That Cronenberg movie... I believe Crash is the name

"Stay" is pretty cool.

Buffalo 66 has a few Lynchian scenes. John Cassavetes movies inspired Lynch as well.

3 Women, Persona, Perfect Blue

Pretty Lynchian feel

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There’s more LSD to this but similar mouthfeel. Good movie that was hardly noticed because it was “too weird” and “where’s muh story structure”

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The Holy Mountain is probably the best out there.

Last Year at Marienbad, some of Zulawski's films (First Part of the Night, Diabel, Possession, etc.), maybe Cronenberg's Naked Lunch? Nothing really feels quite like Lynch but those are all fairly similar.

Only ever saw this once and smoke like 3 blunts or some shit in an unairconditioned room laying on a bed with like 4 other people

I knew I was awake but it felt like I was dream

*Third Part of the Night. Sorry, I'm tired.

Donnie Darko

more like a nightmare than a dream

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Dreamlike cinematography. Not as prolific as others mentioned in this thread but still comfy.

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Enter the void

>Dreamlike cinematography
>handheld and slow mo
It's a good movie but I don't see what's dreamy about it

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Never heard of this, looked up, want to watch. Thanks user you’re one of the good ones.

It is terrible, but the visuals and the nonsensical dialogue reminds me of a dream.

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All based

Love it


Looks good will watch

Describe it

what is it?

Comfy how?


Based Scanner Darkly enjoyer

You was dream user. This board shit down years ago. You have to let us go.

>what is it?
max von sydow met a woman then got transported to WW2 and suddenly met god

The shot of them riding bikes through a dead quit oslo at night with the fire extinguishers, peak dreamy. The whole final sequence as he an heros. Cmon man, the whole movie isn't that way but several shots are.