Decide to rewatch idiocracy

>decide to rewatch idiocracy
>it’s a world where the average IQ is 20
>near the beginning there is a scene where a character screams and calls the police because the protagonist hasn’t got a mandatory barcode tattoo on his wrist

Umm, yikes. This did NOT age well. I hate it when I watch a seemingly light hearted movie from the past only for it to be alt right garbage. Ace Ventura did this too with its TERF shit. What are some other propaganda in disguise movies?

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You're right, user. I just rewatched it and think you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

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>it’s a world in which the average IQ is 20
ftfy bro
It's only the US though

i know this is bait but the quality is extremely poor, i'm not even sure what current non-issue you are trying to claim is literally worse than hitler

ITT, OP claims things like mandatory bar codes on our arms as "liberal". And why is it "alt right" to not want a fucking barcode tattoo?

Idiocracy has the kinotrients that chuds need

>It's only the US though
I'm pretty sure they implied the entire Earth is in the same situation at the end of the movie.

>It's only the US though

honestly, that might be the case. the populace is beyond retarded at this point, but someone has to be operating the technology. i wouldnt be suprised if the states or most of it have been declared a no mans land and they are given the barest necessities to keep them from leaving

i liked the mentions of the chinese financial invasion though


abhorrent thread, is this the power of ESL baiting?


No, you silly cunt, it's "batin'."
What you did there, I see it.

OP you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

Idiocracy is a pro-eugenics film and that means it's based

It wasn't supposed to be a documentary....

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This needs a mulatto fro

>british academics at it again
Now keep an eye out for german nationalism being on the rise

Imagine a world where they elect a president who can't read.

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You mean like 2015?

>smartest man in the world is found
>immediately put him in a position of power
Idiocracy is not a dystopia.


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