This guy got hired to write a song for a movie and made the whole thing about how he loves cumming

This guy got hired to write a song for a movie and made the whole thing about how he loves cumming,

Attached: R-1105053-1368876529-7313.jpg (600x596, 46.84K)

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I can only dream of being that based one day

Both the movie title and the pop tie-in song (which resulted in one of the best music videos of the 1980s) are casses of justified plagiarism. Ivan Reitman's Ghostbusters is one of the most perfect movies ever made and obe of the best movies of the 89s (it perfectly captures the mood of Reagan's America) -- far superior to the goofy 1930s physical comedy schtick which first used the term Ghostbusters. Similarly Parler's song is just better than Huey Lewis's typically plodding effort.

This song sounds exactly like “I want a new drug” by Huey Lewis and the News

>Huey Lewis strapped up and sued Ray Parker, Jr. and Columbia Pictures for plagiarism. The backstory was too intertwined for anyone to really question whether or not this was a blatant copy (the original had just been in the Top 10 of the charts!), so Columbia Pictures opted to settle out of court and cut Huey Lewis a fat check to keep him quiet.
>Literally, Lewis was paid to not talk about it.
>Word on the street is that this amount was $5,000,000 in cold hard cash for stealing his guitar riff, bass line, and other elements of the song.
>Fast forward to 2001. VH1 did a Behind the Music show on Huey Lewis where he broke the confidentiality agreement to never ever speak again of this theft.
>Lewis went on record saying:
>"The offensive part was not so much that Ray Parker Jr. had ripped this song off, it was kind of symbolic of an industry that wants something – they wanted our wave, and they wanted to buy it. ... It's not for sale. ... In the end, I suppose they were right. I suppose it was for sale, because, basically, they bought it."

Attached: Peck.png (1280x884, 1.04M)


>made the whole thing about how he loves cumming,
citation needed

>Lemme tell ya something
>Bustin' makes me feel good

That’s messed up

Yeah we know

This song is the only reason these films are fondly remembered.


bustin' GHOSTS, user. GHOSTS.


>ywn know just how good if feels to bust ghosts
why even live bros?

"Ghosts" is slang for cum (both are white and transparent)

Huey Lewis basically made commercial rock, but is somehow one of the realest people to ever speak about the music industry.
Sports is still a great album though.

i cant read that name without thinking about american psycho

Attached: American-Psycho-1229896828.png (650x370, 338.56K)

Listened to the album because a mixture of American Psycho, and how it was my dad's summer jam album for one summer.
Wasn't disappointed.

I ain't scared of no goats
>Double negative
>Actually terrified of goats

i ain't afraid of no drug