>movies Any Forums memed you into watching

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it was OK, didn’t love the son (gee pa i wanna be a heckin gunslinger!) or the twist but at least there no gorilla niggers. the bar is very low nowadays but i’ll take what i can get.

son never said that
he did say he wanted to learn how to shoot and see the world tho

it was alright, the worst thing was Billy the Kid aspect, who fucking cares, just made otherwise high quality movie feel cheap

ok but post movies you got meme'd into watching now fags.

Retarded twist, he should've been some guy from Billy's gang or some shit, not fucking Billy himself. Just felt like the "and that kid was Albert Einstein" meme.

I got memed into watching this thinking it would be shit but it was actually fricking epic
anyone who doesn't like the twist is probably a rape-victim

Unforgiven is better

Son said faggy shit, sorry I don’t remember verbatim you cum guzzling faggot. Die in agony, he was a retarded character.

Nah kill yourself fag.

nigger jew

despite the strong start, i thought it was awful

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a very gay movie.

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It’s Roman fucking Polanski. Of course it’s shit. The man’s a kiddie diddler.

well said

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Honestly, same. This board always says that this is some hyper comfy movie and I thought it was just okay. Not terrible but I wouldn't re-watch it


If Any Forums is pushing a movie or show really hard then I know it's just fucking shills. Most of the time they're just pushing a crap movie or show just because they like some girl or tranny in it. This board fucking sucks shit.

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You are a retard gorilla nigger.

But it's good
Yeah it's shit