Americans be like: I can't stop thinking about black cock, I can't stop inserting black people in my media...

Americans be like: I can't stop thinking about black cock, I can't stop inserting black people in my media, I can't stop inserting black cock in my mouth, I can't stop watching black cock insert into my wife and creampie her

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Says the belgian who somehow always seems to post about Americans 24/7. Also take this BTFO eurofag

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Mermaids can be white, hobbits can be white, dragons can be white, belgians can't be white.

White sisters...How do we refute her...

>Thomas LaCACA
The name speaks for itself

Jesus probably looked like this and it's closer to white than black

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we can't because her argument doesn't make sense... we lost sisters

>Source:my pink ass

Jesus is brown

are they trying to start a race war or something

He's a palestinian actor. Jesus looked like an average levantine most likely

You can be any race you want, that's okay, but you can't be a nigger.

Just say arab pathetic cumskin

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stupid amerikkkan terms

He looks like a pajeet there, please refer to actual evidence of Christ, Shroud of Turin. He was not an arap either like him.

>h-he’s white!!!
Reality is not Netflix monke

Jesus spoke aramaic which is close but he wasn't arab. Islam allowed a lot of mixing from africa and s. asia into the region and truth be told arabs were probably lighter in the past

Jesus was levantine, not an ugly monkey american nigger

When did I say he was wh*te? Stupid arap monkey

she probably considers jews yt pipo

lolno, also she never said he was black. Your insecurity is showing, whitecels always default to but THE BLACKS whenever one has an opinion or the upperhand over you, it shows your insecurities towards them, and how fragile you are in any arguement with one

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Most araps (as in from the gulf peninsula. levant people are not arap) have Somali, Eritrean, Ethiopian, etc DNA

Jesus was golden like a lion

source:my black cum

The Levant has a lot gypsy admixture that's unacknowledged

shroud of turin? are you retard?