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Seige of Mandalore Edition


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It's just a testament to how much the quality has taken a nosedive when an otherwise inferior sequel to kotor 1&2 did the whole thing so much better.
I found him interesting in the EU, TCW was pretty hit or miss on the other hand.
A lot of SW characters suffer from this, having to be expanded upon in outside material since the movies didn't do them enough justice or lay out a proper backstory or motivation.
Star Wars, cinematically at least, is about family and particularly the Skywalkers.
So I doubt you can tell me with a straight face that you found any particular villain aside from the main one (palpatine) interesting from the movies alone.

where do you think ashoka went 1st after she left the order

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The Phantom Menace is a beautiful story about one man's hidden ploy for power, which unintentionally leads to the union of two cultures thanks to the unlikely hero of Jar Jar Binks.

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what is up with the jedi sending young horny teenage padawans to look after other young hornry senetors? And then say that "attachment is forbidden"

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I don't think Jar Jar is that bad. His comedy can be annoying, but in hindsight, I don't consider him that cancerous anymore. I've seen much more obnoxious characters since then.

Really didn't need to see naked Jar Jar.

is it against the law in "Canon" or EU to practice the Dark Side in general?
What if I train myself to become particularly powerful in the Dark Side, without actually doing anything excessively wrong (provable).. and then what if I decide to sit in front of the Jedi Temple all day and just let them feel my Dark Side power, what are they gonna do about it if I am technically not doing anything illegal?

How old is Secura around this period?

the lowest rated episode in TCW is the one were the driods and gunray thought that jar jar was a jedi knight and it was focused on him.

the second lowest rated one were he was with padme to find the source of the blue virus.

after that jar jar was hardly seen again.

The laws get decided by those in power. Obviously during Palpatine's rule, they were different.
As to what would happen, they would simply consider you a potential threat and intervene in some manner, even if they don't outright kill you.

shes in her late 20s in the clone wars. she was already taken by Kit Fisto though

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If you replace Jar Jar's voice with the voice of Rugor Nass, does it make the film better or worse?

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I'm assuming the Sith are an illegal religion/political party in the prequel era. I think high republic may have talked about this?

What do you mean "think", we know. She went to the lower levels of Coruscant.

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I rewatched the prequels recently and I didn't find Jar Jar annoying at all. I loved him as a kid, hated him as a teen and now as an adult, I find him pretty great. It's slapstick humour but I suppose because it's CGI, people don't give it as much credit as it should.

they were thought to be extint before maul came in the battle of naboo.

>A cute Mandalorian woman will never seige you.

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I want to breed ahsoka. I think about her all the time. I even dream about her. I want to smell the orange pussy. I want to pump cum into her and watch my seed make her belly grow. I want to suck on her horns while she strokes me. I need to have sex with ahsoka. Sex with ahsoka
I need to breed ahsoka

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its not to late to delete this

I would take 100 million Jar Jars before I took 1 Rey.

uh... you got any more of that stuff

In the EU back in the day, it wasn't *technically* forbidden to study the Dark Side, you just had to be extra careful. Mace Windu was a master of Vapaad, which was just him tapping into the Dark Side and going into town. Kyle Katarn, Mara Jade and even Luke himself occasionally used the Dark Side, Kyle Katarn could even fry you with Force Lightning. It's when you go too deep into the Dark Side, you are considered a threat.
I actually have no clue how it works in the new canon and honestly, I don't give a fuck.

Intervene how? I'm just sitting at one of the public benches outside the temple. why do dis?
I am not a Sith, I just know the Dark Side

The Phantom Menace only works well if you know senator Palpatine is Darth Sidious. If you don't know this, which I assume many first viewers don't realise until the end, then a lot of it comes across as nonsensical.

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Obi-Wan: Me
Darth Maul: Kit Fisto
Maul's Lightsaber: Fisto's squid penis
Qui-Gon: Aayla's vagina

>we have to sit through Andor slog and wait 3 more months until more clone kino

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the Jedi may see me as a threat but what about it? They can't prove shit. They can even probe my mind and they will know the truth that perhaps I haven't even hurt anyone. Maybe I gained the dark side by spending literal years just having temper tantrums against inanimate objects/droids. who cares about them

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>the Jedi may see me as a threat but what about it? They can't prove shit.
But they will observe you very closely and watch for any red flags.