Your wife’s son?

your wife’s son?

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Wife's son is sad. Now wife's daughter? That's based. Trade in when the wife gets too old and get the younger version

I loved how confused he seemed for a second

I was hoping we’d hear a cuck joke

Yes, chud. At least I'm not a chud like you

It's called acting. He's not actually a guy from the 60's

no the actor hadnt watched the show before and he was learning of this plot point for the first time

Sirs I really wish I was a handsome white man

Does anyone else get the feeling there's one or two closet conservatives in the writers room who try to sneak in stuff like this without getting ousted.

>no you can’t laugh at me you biggot! Quick literally everyone attack this guy, he’s racist! Ahhhhhhj

He didn't realise he'd teamed up with 2 cucks (he knew Hughie was a cuck already)

Hughie got cucked?

Imagine thinking Butcher was some badass dude, pretty much your only equal in a world full of pussies, then he drops that on you

He was born in 1919. I'm pretty sure he was taken back that someone else would raise another man's child unless the woman was a widow

What? You think cuck and wife's son is some secret conservative language? People use it all the time, it even has a fucking kym article

They get to read the script beforehand

Idk man I'm just a schizo

>you will never be dominated by maeve
why even life bros

Are you braindead? They're not just using it, they're drawing attention to its negative connotation

Oops your right I didn't understand at first since I'm esl, sorry.


>Thinks being a caring step parent is bad
KYS nazi

Would have been kino if he called Butcher a cuck.

caring step parent and being cuck are two different things, cuck

being a caring step parent is being on good, friendly terms with the kid/s the mom has. It's not being an active, invested provider for them. The mom really has to be a sex demon draining your balls 24/7 roughly and lustily for that to be respectable.

>betray the only person who can kill homelander to save your wife's son who hates you
i cant think of a bigger cuck in television history

the point of this show is to make the cucks look cool?

this ending made no sense at all