Could it be made today?

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If they made it today he'd actually be Scottish.

what movie is this fucking faggot op

the last king of scotland you nigger

Is that Idi Amin?

King kong

Planet of the Apes

>Every other African leader good, I guess
If Hollywood really had balls, they'd make a biopic on Liberia

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Last king of Scotland you dumb nigger

I love it when people look like apes, its not even just black people because the moment a white guy has short hair and offset ears I think "haha funny monke"

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blackface is still OK when African Americans do it

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That's not blackface. Blackface is a very specific type of minstrel performance that requires exaggerated depictions, this is simple makeup.

Idi Amin was too based for this world

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Dunston Checks In

Bedtime for Bonzo

The Gipper’s finest hour.

blackface started before minstrel shows
have you ever heard of Othello?
also, people were pissed when Zoe Saldana did it for Nina Simone, but not Forest Whitaker, so it maps to misogyny as well
like how Shaun King can be transracial but Rachel Dolezal can not

>Every other African leader good, I guess
Nobody thinks Mugabe was a good leader

I couldn't watch this movie because of the sex scene in the first few minutes
It's just set off my incel rage over not having a black gf

>have you ever heard of Othello?
That's not blackface, it's just a white actor performing as a black man.

The only time I can even recall Hollywood touching Liberia was Lord of War.

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Leslie Jones

He's not my favourite African dictator, but he's a close 2nd

>Lewis Hallam, Jr., a white blackface actor of American Company fame, brought blackface in this more specific sense to prominence as a theatrical device in the United States when playing the role of "Mungo", an inebriated black man in The Padlock, a British play that premiered in New York City at the John Street Theatre on May 29, 1769