day 655 of getting spoiler'd because idiots on Any Forums don't use the spoiler feature that turns texts black

day 655 of getting spoiler'd because idiots on Any Forums don't use the spoiler feature that turns texts black

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>Day 10,000 of some faggot thinking it's a good idea to go on fucking Any Forums or all places when he hasn't watched a new release everyone's talking about.

spoilered about what?
there was nothing worth watching in the last 655 days

Not only new releases, nigger. Literally every movie ever made.

Kevin Spacey is Keyser Soze

Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time

Snape dies

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yeah it's not like I intend to watch The Boys but if I wanted to I wouldn't have to since every detail is displayed repeatedly here

I've posted here for years and could never get spoiler text to work correctly. WTF am I doing wrong?

you need to type [ spoiler ] then put your desired text here then type [ / spoiler ] but all of that without the spaces between the parentheses

Just select text you want to spoiler and press CTRL+S

You're not a phoneposter, are you?

based troll lying to the newfags

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wtf ive been here for 13 years and have never known that

nah it actually works

>not using kuroba ex which lets you add spoiler text by just pressing [s]
Sneed feed and seed


are you retards really just learning how this fully works? i hate all of you including sneedfag

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it works for replying to comments but not when creating threads

Chuck fuck and suck

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>tfw I actually spoiled Dumbledore's death to a friend of mine
She was pissed beyond belief
Best thing was probably that I spoiled another friend that one of the main male characters from Gossip Girl was Gossip Girl. I thought she had watched the finale and I just wanted to come across as if I know my shit (watched three episodes in total) about the show. Her look was unforgettable

this would work on a superior IB

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newfags don't even know that sage exists btw

okay let's try
no I don't phonepost, I'm PC master race