What is your honest opinion on the hit television show Friends?

What is your honest opinion on the hit television show Friends?

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it aged like wine if you take out the laughs, very clever scripts and still funny

Wasn’t there a scene where all the three chicks show their throats to joey to prove that women don’t have Adam’s apple. That scene has kinda become based over time

what did she mean by this?

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You know what she meant.

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reddit the show

it has appeal

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Beats me. The entire main cast except for rachel and joey are jews.

You mean the characters or the actors? You're wrong either way.

They made her boobs look bigger than they were.

The actors and prove it.

>never seen Frens
>polisci prof goes on a deranged rant about how problematic/bigoted/fascist/transphobic/homophobic/racist it is just 'cause some other student showed up in a Chandler t-shirt
>decide to check it out
>lol hard
>tfw can't stop watching
I marathoned the entire thing in like a week and had a great time. There's no shows like that nowadays.
t. zoomer

Do Americans really?

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Courteney Cox and Matthew Perry aren't jewish and I have never been able to find a single source that would claim otherwise. Courteney Cox for example married a jew so I assume her being jewish would be a known thing, but there's just nothing.

Perry is half jewish, i.e jewish.

There's literally no proof of that.

Yes. It’s goddamn tiresome.

boring shit watched by mediocre white women

One of the first shows to be marketed exclusively to sub room temp IQ people

now watch seinfeld and frasier
>why were there so many great sitcoms in the 90's

>tfw no S1 Monica gf

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shows like this - big bang theory is another one - it's interesting to rewatch in light of current year politics
some things are very obviously woke propaganda, e.g. friends and seinfeld both pushing lesbian marriage at the same time
but then some things almost seem based, e.g. chandler being humiliated by his poofter father
a lot of sheldon's lines are positively gigachadian, i'm beginning to wonder if one of the writers was /ourguy/

According to kikes, race is passed on by the mother. So unless him mother is a kike, he's not of the tribe.
Well, practically, because we all know genes give zero fucks about the talmud and thus he technically still is.