/tbg/ - The Boys General

Dumb Blonde and Psycho Black Man that's sick of taking the high road decide to neutralize Souljaboy when they had no idea Ryan would be present at the Tower to hold Homelander back from going nuclear on everyone edition

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Soldier Boy is based

This show went full retard

As always the plot is literally bending to the will of Starlight and MM


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What was the point of this character?

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These are the people that you share oxygen with.

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Kneel. I don't even know what's a tv show anymore

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>Called Starlight
>Brings bad deeds to light
>Shines bright in a news room against a bad character (read, character the writers hate) to win
Bravo Nolan

How would Any Forums fix the boys series to make it as an oscar's worthy?

>Season 1: Be a threat.
>Season 2: Be a resolved threat.
>Season 3: Walk around threatened.

What a fucking cuck.

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>built up as unkillable, super efficient killing machine
>gets pep talked by cartoon friends into confronting SB
>absolutely 0 caution or contingency when a clearly unstable HL grabs him
>can't parry or tank a gut punch
>lol he's gonna see jesus XD
>subverted, once again

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Black Jobber

Such an awful show.

There's no saving Ryan now, he's been too indoctrinated. But obviously they're not gonna kill a little kid so he'll be redeemed next season though shit writing.

I really like this part of his outfit that makes it look like the coat (the red line on the left)

is there a version of Superman that has this sort of outfit?

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To make SB "racist"

They could just stop giving him the gas. That's how they got him out of Russia. Fucked with the gas and he was almost instantly into fight mode despite thirty years of experimenting.

i never understood this kind of claim, the bloodlust and willingness at straight up murdering is on the other side, at least from everything i've seen. (autonomous zone murders, attempted murders in other areas that get them killed via self defense)
Is there a word for this kind of lack of self awareness

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>Yer a fackin cuck, Billeh. Shoulda jus grabbed a gun, jus loik yer brother

>cuckservative drumpftards
>toppling a statue
wut? do the showrunners think that the blm riots were also done by drumpftards?

I hope they keep it this retarded. Season 2 was a nightmare slog, at least this trashfire is fun to laugh at

Can someone please post the Maeve feet webm thank you

The weren't really subtle about the comparisons this season.

Living your life online and watching marvel all day.

I will be chasing a starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
My life
You electrify my life
Let's conspire to ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive
I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations

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>posting a real time account of his own programming at the hands of mass media

Now post the /pol reactions the minute this episode dropped.

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If you want to be happy living a king's life
Never raise the son of your dead wife
Now all you have to do is just what I say
He doesn't share your blood or DNA
Therefore from a logical point of view
Don't let her make a cuckold out of you

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I love when good guy win : )

Damn imagine if instead of feeding into Starlights GIRL POWER moment, Hughie just took the V and teleported SB out of the room if he's such a problem?

just for you user

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I agree.
This season wasn't even bad. It just had a few boring plotlines (Frenchie and Kimiko), and they dropped the ball with the last episode. That's about it. Meanwhile, the second season was virtually unwatchable.

God she used to be so hot what was she thinking bogging herself

>"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters," - Donald J. Trump
Based homelander just turning words into action

There's only 2 reasons to watch this show
>Soldier Boy being old timey (looking disqusted at fags, making fun of guys being soft, calling Butcher a bitch for being a cuck)
>Homelander powertripping
That's it, everything involving The Boys is shit, everything involving other supes is shit

Kimiko is cute I guess too but she's attached to those shitty characters so I dislike her too

I would hire all the whores I want to fuck and then film scenes of me hard-core fucking them, and then get some other crew member to film the actual show to submit that to the awards while I kept fucking to add to my porn collection

where can i get compound V in real life?

>still not as strong as homelander
Barely. But she makes up for it by being a better fighter,

way better than season 2
Maeve surviving was a bit silly if she's being written out anyway and I didn't like how weak the Homelander was, if anything he should have reached new heights of strength when Ryan was threatened

this is one of those webms that will be posted here every day for years

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Fab Five Freddy told me everybody's fly
Dj spinnin' I said, "My My"
Flash is fast, Flash is cool
François c'est pas, Flash ain't no dude
And you don't stop, sure shot
Go out to the parking lot
And you get in your car and drive real far
And you drive all night and then you see a light
And it comes right down and it lands on the ground
And out comes a man from Mars
And you try to run but he's got a gun
And he shoots you dead and he eats your head
And then you're in the man from Mars
You go out at night eatin' cars
You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too
Mercurys and Subaru
And you don't stop, you keep on eatin' cars
Then, when there's no more cars you go out at night
And eat up bars where the people meet
Face to face, dance cheek to cheek
One to one, man to man
Dance toe to toe, don't move too slow
'Cause the man from Mars is through with cars
He's eatin' bars, yeah wall to wall
Door to door, hall to hall
He's gonna eat 'em all
Rapture, be pure
Take a tour through the sewer
Don't strain your brain, paint a train
You'll be singin' in the rain
Said don't stop to punk rock

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Homelander was pulling his punches in that fight. He literally had no interest in getting into an actual fight with her. She was just mildly annoying him up until she stabbed him in the ear.

>this kind of claim, the bloodlust and willingness at straight up murdering
righties din do nuffin, we re da good guys no cap

The trump shit is cringe. The fake media is cringe. The "my body my choice" was cringe. All the meme were cringe.
Fuck, if only they were successful in Jan 6, they wouldn't be laughing on this.

At your nearest train station. You just have to look for old men with greyer beards wearing butchers coat and steal their bags

So one more season or two?

I don't geddit, how the fuck could anyone other than HL himself even capture Soulja Boy
The toxins were clearly not enough to knock him off

>if anything he should have reached new heights of strength when Ryan was threatened
In any good story he would have

I think his costume was better in the comic. More asymmetrical.

>yo guys remember the whole waste of time with kimiko hating her powers? well now she got them back but it's fine because she accepts herself, so deep
>yo guys remember the power struggle between maeve and homelander? well turns out they're on par
>yo guys remember the seasons long buildup of noir's character? well fuck you he's just a rando who got btfo once and then just dies because HL sad
>yo guys remember neuman's plot and involvement at the start of the season? well she then vanishes until the last scene where surprise we set her up again for the NEXT season haha
>yo guys remember how frenchie wasn't a complete cuck and outsmarted supes only to get fucked by a russian dom with a couple henchmen?
>yo guys remember how MM feels nervous around SB because....hahaha who am I kidding we're telling you on repeat
>yo guys remember how we set up a redemption arc for A-Train only for him not to show up in the finale?
>yo guys remember the three million scenes of cassandra and the deep? well that was for nothing
>yo guys remember Stan Edgar? no? ok

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>way better than season 2
True, but still trash.
I'm glad Maeve was written out but having her survive and get her happy ending after doing the heroic sacrifice out of nowhere after she was done beating the crap out of Homelander was ... not silly, but just fucking retarded.

Still 100% on the Soldier Boy bandwagon - The fact they made him a fake vet is a bit shit, but doesn't ruin him
>Isn't deluded about his ego, or past
>Is brutal but professional
>Is 100% on board with his agreements
>Sees people for what they are
The finale was the worst episode by far

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>Homelander was pulling his punches in that fight
At first, but then when he was bleeding from the nose he starts to get serious. He seemed stronger than her but only barely, but she was a better fighter and dodging more of his blows while landing her hits.

he passes out when he uses the beam

i'm not on any side, your doublethink is what i'm referring to

plot outline for season 4
>a year has passed
>homelander visits a sedated soldier boy in his med ward
>homelander tells him about his stressful day dealing with the chuds, then unzips his pants and lets soldier boy give him a handjob, except then soldier boy deliriously calls him a disappointment again and homelander goes soft
>later soldier boy bites his tongue off and dies after homelander tells him its his birthday
>meanwhile the boys, realizing they actually wanted to kill homelander and not save him, look for a new solution to him: Tek Knight (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
>Tek Knight is an old grizzled supe, one of the only people known to be capable of matching homelander in open battle
>however, as they find him, it's not all as it seems
>Tek Knight is not just a simple cold-blooded murderer like Butcher or Starlight, he's much worse: he's some kind of racist or sexist, probably anti-abortion too, idk we'll clarify it on twitter later
>the boys huddle up and discuss how to best deal with him. most are ok with just killing him, others want to save homelander from him and THEN kill him
>however, as it turns out, homelander and tek knight like each other! but wait, tek knight just dissolved this alliance on the basis that tek knight prefers pepsi over coca cola
>anyway tek knight gets teamed up on and goes into like a pod with exactly one hole for air and homelander's penis

>we have to save everyone
>even the people at vought who don't deserve to be saved
>one minute later
>kimiko dancing to music and laughing while tearing a random security guy's face to shreds
>the pegging enthusiast who's preparing the most dangerous nerve agent on the planet in the background couldn't prepare a lighter knockout gas for the security guards
they're just so adorable

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it really is ridiculous especially in a show meant to parody Marvel shit
At least us chuds got a point on the board when they said soldier boy was radicalised by Russian disinformation
Still, the arcs of the important characters (Homelander, Butcher, Ryan, Deep) made good and interesting progress this episode

at this point this show is something straight out of deviantart lmao

Half of these posts are the same as last thread

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I keep reminding myself of all the escaped supe teens and how they could be doing anything.

She could be de-bogged any time if she would just pick up a damn hamburger.

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so, as of right now, what's really stopping homelander from killing everybody in butcher's crew?

>The fact they made him a fake vet is a bit shit, but doesn't ruin him
Well, not, I don't think anyone could ever argue that./ It's just such shit and petty writing, it's having your cake and eat it too, like... he'd be too much of a hero if he was a vet and no matter what he'd do it would be okay because he was a vet. Like, bitch no. We even have a version of a world without Homelander, it's the reality we live in and we fucking won. This is fiction, you're not taking anything away from real vets.

I'm sure it's the russian song ptsd doing that in the past events

Butcher saved my son!

Soldier Boy was right
Niggers are not human
the WEF IS behind all the world's problems
they are NOT one group of people
you will lose this war
what do you have to say, tv?

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>Hughie teleports Ryan out
>SB and the boys kill HL as planned and nuke the evacuated Vought Tower
>SB kills MM, Starlight flashes her eyes but is stopped by Hughie, who remains a cuck
>Maeve and Butcher fuck and raise his wife's son
>Deep becomes CEO
>Kimiko and Frenchie dance number

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>give soldier boy fake scam storyline
>jensen turns the scene where he confesses to this into the best scene in the whole season
The man literally can't stop winning

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>we have to save everyone
>killes translucent in s1

Homelander has never had more tying him to the world now that he lives with and loves his son

Some brave woman that could kick his ass.


Electric Jew has screwed an artful piece created by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson.

Fucken Shite Cunts.

Blue Hawk and Soldier Boy not meeting was a missed opportunity

Everyone as in people, not fucking filthy supes. The fuck's wrong with you?