This is so laughably bad. it literally makes no sense

>wahh my husband wasn't 100% supportive of my decision to leave him. men are so evil!
>wahh my landlord offered to help me get my bag out the car. how sexist of him to think i couldn't do it myself!
>wahh my landlord mistakenly assumed i was married. how sexist of him!

because these microaggressions are so insignificant the director had to introduce some naked stalker for no apparent reason only to half-assedly show that this creep is an amalgamation of all those things that guys did to inconvenience her.

she's literally not even a real person. just the director's soi'd up fantasy of what he thinks the 'woman experience' is is like based on shit he reads in cucked news sites.

there is nothing here. its such a hollow film i cannot believe it's being praised

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garland is a hack

>my husband wasn't 100% supportive of my decision to leave him. men are so evil!
He tried to manipulate her by threatening suicide which is one of the most fucked up ways of trying to control your partner and then he physically hit her. He was literally an abusive cunt so idk why you're defending him.
The movie was shit though, nothing happens and suggesting all men are bad because some men are abusive is retarded.

someone explain the naked guy that cut himself up and put leaves in his face. is that just some lol do random pagan/folk horror shit that was shoehorned for no reason? what was the point?

and the ending, abusive men birth abusive men etc.? thats it? cant be that simplistic


>assume the movie is one thing
>It isn't
>"Wtf this movie didn't make any sense, it's not the thing"
>Ragepost on Any Forums about how the movie is dumb because it doesn't align with your assumption of what it was going to be
It didn't fail to articulate what you're ascribing to it, it never tried to articulate that in the first place.

It’s A24 so there’s a quota for Pagan bullshit that must be filled

>assume the movie is one thing
where did i post anything about my assumptions of what this film was going to be?

You assumed it would make sense, obviously wrong, totally subverted.

It seems to be their brand, always ham fisted and only half right about what they're using too.

so you're agreeing that all the horror elements were shoehorned in and didnt make any sense

I'm not the user you were arguing with, but yeah, I agree.


>then he physically hit her.
It is a husbands duty to discipline his wife when needed. Why are you such a cuck?

t. 30 year old virgin incel

men hit their wives sometimes. do you want the truth or to be comfortable?

yes I know men can be abusive I never said they didn't.
I just think it's then justified for women to leave their abusive partners and are retarded if they don't.

He was quoting the priest, the joke flew over your head.

its a movie for us women, obviously men wouldn't get it youre not supposed to

>someone explain the naked guy that cut himself up and put leaves in his face. is that just some lol do random pagan/folk horror shit that was shoehorned for no reason?
pretty much an allusion to The Green Man, same with the face on the altar (which in keeping with the pagan/folk horror schtick also had a Sheela Na Gig on it)

It’s the Green Man, an Anglo Saxon folklore character that personified the Forrest and nature.this is the character the green knight is based on too.

Anyway, There are sculptures of this guy everywhere in England, and Garland said it looked creepy and imagined how scary it would be if that thing chased you. That’s it. That’s the depth of the green man in this movie

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Imagine being a little boy growing up in today's society that hates you.

>men are... LE BAD!