I dropped the show after season 1 but this guy was my favorite...

i dropped the show after season 1 but this guy was my favorite. does he play a bigger role in the later seasons or is he just a side character?

Attached: d4b8a607f73607759da655fbef9f191c.jpg (736x736, 74.65K)

just a side character. he funny tho

Side character and a heel.

sadly he only gets so little screen time
he carries the scenes he's in
the actor does a good job with the role

He fucks a squid

please, it was an octopusssss

SHE! Get your pronouns right.

Hes like an entire side plot. They turned him into a child like retard which makes his character pretty hilarious. One of the only legitimate funny characters.

>the look that passes betwixt dolphin and deep
you just know

Attached: The Boys s01e04 Deep rescues another sea-friend.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Best character

Attached: 1656738868304.webm (688x780, 2.84M)

how do I upvote comments btw?

Instructions in pic related.

Attached: aa7.jpg (213x250, 11.79K)

how do I get a gold account????
if I get it, will the captcha thing go away too? it's really annoying

>i dropped the show after season 1
Don't pick it back up. You stopped right before it drops off a cliff.

He's going to become integral to the plot from now on I think because of whet he did in a pool.

It's in the settings for your account, there should be an upgrade button at the top right

Best character, everyone uses him and he just deals with it cuz he don't know what else

he maintains his role as mostly unimportant comic relief in all the seasons

Don't do it, i should have dropped it after season 1, Season 2 is a dumpsterfire.

The Deep doing a face turn and becoming an eco terorrist in the progress would have been kino imo

He's Seth Rogen self inserted into the narrative