Is the any sci-fi kino with expressive non-humanoid alien races?

Is the any sci-fi kino with expressive non-humanoid alien races?

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You need to stop posting anything kino. Everyone will just ruin it.

Life of Brian

How does it put the sandals on
Manual dexterity is pretty much an essential requirement for intelligence

attack of the clones

>v3 never

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I assume he slips his toes through and uses his forelimbs to pull the backs up over his "heels"

the little coiled up pedipalps under his chin have posable fingers

That's a female, right?


nope; it's a dude

Nigga dolphins have like a fin and nothing else

I can deal

what might happen if we gave a dolphin brain-linked robot arms?

v3? is this something to do with the birrin book?

what are those sticks on its head and its mouth

drugs. this is, to my understanding, a Birrin crackhead


What are the prequels?

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came to post that

literally all of those are humanoid, retard

He cute