What are the best westerns of the last 30 years? What could revitalize the western genre?

What are the best westerns of the last 30 years? What could revitalize the western genre?

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Wild Wild West

Fuck you

bone tomahawk
310 to yuma

only the best

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>the names line up with the actors
Why don't they do this anymore?

The proposition

I really liked 3:10 to Yuma but this board hates it so idk.

True Grit, the Jeff Bridges one.

Cowboys vs aliens was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in the theater.

so you also got con by the trailers. fuck me, I walked out half way

Unforgiven, it's gonna turn 30 in 5 months and doesn't look a day over 20

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I wrote an epic revenge western with mystery/horror elements and great roles for
>The Rock
But you know, nobody gets back to me.

assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

the names are listed in order of billing or something like that i.e. highest-paid to lowest-paid
it's all bureaucratic and often the setup for the shoot of the cover doesn't take this into account

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My dad and my uncle really wanted to see it because they like James Bond and westerns so I went with them.

It's recommended in every single thread.

>martin short
>is short
Who writes this shit?

Should have watched Seraphim Falls instead.

>revitalize the western genre
Blood Meridian directed by this fella

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I'm working on two screenplays right now. One is a western, and it will revitalize women heroes that are believable.