Name a genocide that took place in your cunt

Name a genocide that took place in your cunt

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i cant

None that I can think of
>but muh indios and wha--

We almost wiped out all of the Aboriginals on Tassie. From a few thousand down to like 10. I think at one point they were pushing kids off sea cliffs?

literally every town and city

We've committed two of them, one against dogs, how do you not know this?

pristine cope

Gauls got genocided by caesar but there was no Belgium back then

we would never, HOWEVER... if we did it was justified.

There never was- *get's arrested by Verfassungsschutz*

You know which one
Actually it didn't take place in Germany HOWEVER

We relocated a bunch of natives to shitty areas and purposely killed buffaloes that they hunted for survival so they would starve. Many native children were kidnapped and beaten if they spoke their language.

But were we wrong to do it?

It was pretty fucked up


yeah but was it really? I just cant agree that it was.

We really fucked up the Natives.

The British did that.

None really.

Shut up and take 20 bucks

1. Residential Schools
2. Japanese Internment
3. Dog Sled Slaughter

Sweden paid people to kill gypsies by order of the King and later we also sterilized Sami people chemically by pretending to give them "vitamins" and killing sami wasn't a crime either.

Fun fact, Sweden had government funded Eugenics program until 1970's.

We did things far, far worse than the Nazis. And for a much longer period of time.

>1. Residential Schools
>2. Japanese Internment
how are these genocides?