Remember when journalists were heroes?

Remember when journalists were heroes?

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Blowing up that rhino with dynamite for no fucking reason was not heroic.

that was always a kike lie

Oh he was a journalist? I always thought he was a tourist or traveller.

Even at the best of times, only third of them mattered, the rest were robots going along a routine. Now it's in single digits.
Unlike this post, check em.

great show

iirc he was sort of a travel journalist

He was a freelance journalist, not beholden to any agenda of the paper he wrote for.

For me, it was ‘The Red Sea Sharks’

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going to Sweden is heroic though

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Oh yes

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tintin in the kongo is far out man

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>Remember this thing that never happened?


No. "Journalism" has always been yellow, propaganda or straight lies

niggers in kongo had trains?

I don't think anyone here remembers, even if such a time even existed.

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Bump for interest

if only you could bump your interests

Kino incoming

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He was based off of Leon Degrelle so of course he’s based. Reading about Degrelle’s life is crazy similar to reading Tintin books: always exposing cartoonishly evil and corrupt catholic and jewish crooks. What a life.

No, that was literally 100 years ago.

Has there ever been a historical record of journalists all getting their desserts? You'd think some dictator would have done it at some point

His name was Joseph Stalin, yes.

I refuse to accept that this was, as the foreword proclaims, a genuine attempt to create a work in the spirit and tone of Herge’s books. It works as a parody, but you would never convince me that someone is this hopelessly retarded.

The first Tintin stories were published in the youth supplement of a pro-fascist and later pro-collaborationist newspaper, you mouthbreathing retard.