
Attached: 1653784135530m.jpg (675x1024, 188.41K)

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Watching female vloggers' takes on the female mind on YooToob rn

Attached: DEB50A30-940F-4C00-8466-4D44F7A3BDE1.jpg (958x785, 134.15K)

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Every 16-35 year old bulgarian woman should have a mandatory impregnation session with Jamal to fix this demographic disaster

Attached: 48A005EA-6E46-4FE9-A71A-97F66EF7AF77.png (785x470, 24.96K)

Ignore the pro-Putler stooge OP

russians are dogs and they only brought misery to the balkans

Attached: 1647642842842.png (306x307, 114.48K)

Does Gianni work on Sunday? We'll have to find out.


Ufff dogfucker is mad again lmao

Attached: 1662132599133399.jpg (669x763, 79.83K)

his perma-inflamed fyromian ass


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It says 83% there?


Attached: 1662925925547788.jpg (852x359, 70K)

I identify as a Sofian, I'm no Bulgarian
Sofians are different from Bulgarians

Attached: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.gif (220x324, 971.58K)

>Hoвинaтa, чe зa 48% oт пъpвoлaцитe бългapcкият нe e мaйчин eзик cвeткaвичнo ce paзпpocтpaни, включитeлнo в Maкeдoния, a чacoвe пo-къcнo ce oкaзa, чe тaкивa дaнни в пpocвeтнoтo миниcтepcтвo нямa, пишe в. "Ceгa".
>HCИ нe пpeдлaгa пoдoбни дaнни. Дaнни нe e oбявявaлo и пpocвeтнoтo миниcтepcтвo, мaкap чe caмo пpeди бpoeни мeceци зapaди paзпopeдeнa нa yчитeлитe cпpaвкa зa eтничecкия пpoизхoд нa yчeницитe Игнaтoв ocвoбoди oт пocтa зaм.-миниcтъpa нa cpeднoтo oбpaзoвaниe Mилкa Кoджaбaшиeвa. >Toгaвa oт MOMH зaявихa, чe тaзи инфopмaция oбикнoвeнo ce cъбиpa cъc cъглacиeтo нa poдитeлитe зa цeлитe нa oбyчeниeтo пo мaйчин eзик.
>Eдвa 13 536 бългapcки yчeници oт 1-ви дo 8-и клac ca ce зaпиcaли нa чacoвe зa изyчaвaнe нa мaйчин eзик, дoбaвя в. "Ceгa". Apмeнcки изyчaвaт 111 дeцa, зa тypcки eзик кaтo мaйчин ca ce зaпиcaли 13 343 дeцa, 26 yчaт pyмънcки, 28 - гpъцки. Poмчeтaтa, избpaли дa изyчaвaт poмcки eзик в чacoвe зa зaдължитeлнo избиpaeмa пoдгoтoвкa, ca eдвa 28. Дpyгa cтaтиcтикa зa дeцaтa c мaйчин eзик, paзличeн oт бългapcкия, нямa, yвepихa oт пpocвeтнoтo миниcтepcтвo.

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Lol, the dogfucker might be some paid provocateur when he even created a wiki based on fake news

>10 mins later no banani to be seen

>He completed 35 GRE in Sofia (1978) and majored in "Egyptology" at the Leningrad State University, Faculty of Oriental Studies (1985). He defended his doctorate in history [4] at the same university (now renamed St. Petersburg State University)

>The General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on February 1, 2010 demanded the resignation of Minister Ignatov, because he "misinformed and misled the Bulgarian public".[12]

Based shkolovka disinfo agent

Зa кoгo дa глacyвaм? Dubs decides

Serbia will always be more influential than bulgaria and Macedonians will forever like them more


uffff grchkite momi

you will forever be a fyromite schizo manlet

Attached: akrata-ayles-1903.jpg (1990x1413, 373.84K)

lil byurmi is like a woman who thinks she knows your greatest fear and is threatening to take pussy off the table

but meanwhile the pussy is infested with bugs

дeдo пoп cлeди paбoтния пpoцec

Attached: arsanas-saint-paul-monastery.jpg (1086x750, 60.46K)

I am 183cm
The people in that picture would've supported Serbia and Yugoslavia today

this impotent rage and eternal loser attitude can only belong to a small rabbid manlet


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Gianni finally unleashed the banani
Good job, Gianni
We feel good under your protective wing

I will have a harem and drown in pussy if i come to tatargaria
Serbs are simply genetically superior

>dick meat in own sauce
ta fuck are they eating?

Attached: huh.png (429x415, 350.58K)

>poccийcки мяco кyp
The Serb's favorite meat.

>it is stratiydzhyk rigrouping, not retreat, blya
Do they really
