Have you ever been arrested?

Have you ever been arrested?

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i'm a bad mother fucker

Yeah but i was released the same day

Yes. Our justice system is more deceptive than anyone realizes.

No. I arrest people and violently threaten them to give me something in exchange otherwise I tell them that I will brutally murder them before tossing their bodies off a bridge down there by the industrial port.

Got stopped and questioned by the police several times in China, stopped by police in the US, searched at a train station in Munich, but never been actually arrested. None of them were actually tense except one of the China ones but I only found out later they were angry at me that time.

Yea but only for a short time before i've been sent to detention

no I rarely leave the house

No because

post your postcode so i can kick a footy through your windows

Is this code for gay butt secks?

Yeah I've been to the Birmingham city jail just like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

only if you support arsenal

no but I had to write a paper about how I had machine gun bullets

>but I only found out later they were angry at me that time.

Yes, once for suspected drug use (but I was only drunk). Had to pee in a cup and sleep in the drunk tank. Got questioned the morning after and then released.

I was in prison for 3 years for extortion. Ask me anything

You can get arrested in Sweden if the cops think you're high?


What is life like in German prison?

Boring as hell. Apart from the occasional fight there is not a lot going on. At least where I was staying at

How prevalent are drugs?
How is the racial makeup in German prisons?
Do different races interact?
How prevalent is homosexuality and sexual violence?

That's fucking bullshit bro. Here you have to actually be caught with the drugs in your possession or be a disturbance to the peace or something.

You can get drugs if you're into it

Where i was i'd say its 70/30 foreigners

Everyone interacted just fine

There is no gay sex unless you want it. They have condoms in the commissary so there must be someone getting their cheeks busted. I wasnt into it inside, i didn't really want to interact too much with anyone i didnt have to

Jesus Christ what a hellhole

What did you do for fun? Or just to pass the time, if fun isn't the right word?


Working out, reading and forced labor. I had a few guys id talk to but i wanted to keep my head down and get out ASAP

Do you get a Playstation in your cell like Norwegians do?

No, lol. We didn't have shit in there. Only a radio.

I was on a train from Xi'an to Urumqi in Xinjiang. Two policemen walk through the carriages, see me, start talking to me in Chinese, which I could barely follow and answer for a few basic questions but quickly got out of my depth. They ask for my passport, I hand it over and they have a look. Lots of people in the carriage now interested, everyone's watching what's going on. One police guy had been kind of friendly at the start but he kept asking something and I'm trying to answer but I'm clearly misunderstanding. People watching start the laugh. Police guy repeats question again, I can't really tell if he's pissed or if he's just a bit exasperated from the communication difficulty, or if he's just trying to talk louder over the noise. I figure people are laughing so it can't be that bad. This goes on a few more minutes until they give up, take some photos of me and leave. Later on I got talking to the lady next to me using a translation app, and it turns out they kept asking what the hell I'm doing in Xinjiang and thought I was doing something illegal, but decided my Chinese was clearly too dogshit for me to pose any kind of security issue. I got stopped by the police and questioned two more times in Xinjiang and I was there less than 24 hours.
