Do you ever get in arguments about tv in real life?

Do you ever get in arguments about tv in real life?
How do you keep your cool while somebody's yelling at you?
If somebody can scream louder than you as you lose composure and demure to them, does it make their opinion more valid?

Attached: Handmaids- more like hand-full oh boy.png (741x1089, 370.48K)

I don't get into arguments because I'm neither searching for truth nor seeking validation. When I have an opinion it's usually correct, and if proven otherwise I'm more than happy to listen. I avoid antagonizing people by keeping controversial views private. Assuming you're polite and don't say stupid stuff, the only people that will yell at you are compensating losers and women. So, by the time it comes to yelling and screaming, I'm already in a position to disregard what they say.

>I don't watch tv
it's that easy

Handmaids Tale is The Turner Diaries for women

1) don't be wrong
2) don't loose your cool
3) let the other person finish talking
4) "Let me explain why you're wrong"

It helps if you aren't a republican peasant. You people don't know shit about movies.

The problem is, the handmaids tale is political shlock. It's an extremely offensive portrayal of fake male tyranny, but saying so goes against liberal beliefs. That makes it harder to create context for your opinion, which then seems to come from nowhere. If you don't have the "netflix is trash" and "I don't like blatant misandry or anti-white racism" conversations separately, there's no foundation to build on.


So you think its bad because of YOUR politics.
>anti-white racism
Fucking lol. You people and your victim complex.

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Blessed trips and post.

Discursive racism and sexism are extremely damaging, this isn't up for discussion. Bye.

>I haven't seen it but I disliked the trailer
You've automatically won. And by won, you've ended the conversation before it becomes heated.

But I'll bet you can't say "black lives matter" without your head exploding.

all you gotta do is say "big baby gonna cry?" and start making baby sounds and cry sounds and you basically win every time

If I don't say it, what does it matter? You don't have a victim complex do you?

Can't say that lives of criminals matter. If people of criminal want to stop getting shot at by the police, maybe they should being the primary cause of police homicide.

I'll bet you piss in a toilet that has water in it

Told ya.

Not the point of my post, I've said it plenty of times. That's why I can be intolerant of woke racism without being a hypocrite.

Go ahead and say it then.

>You people and your victim complex.

Irony. Oof, my dude.

black lives matter. Now let's hear you say all lives . . . no, let's hear you say white lives matter. Shouldn't be a problem, in fact I'm not sure what you're getting at.

nta but bottom line is people who engage in violent criminal activity are more likely to encounter law enforcement and suffer consequences for their actions, if you feel a reflexive need to absolve this behaviour based on someone’s race maybe you should question who exactly the racist is

don't even engage with these dudes. they're literally brain crippled from propaganda. they're incapable of believing in anything.

They do. White lives matter. Republicans aren't white though.

I don't know why but you seem sensible enough to try this new argument I worked up with.

Question: Do you agree black crime is a problem and how should it be fixed?


See, if you get racist with me I put a stop to it. Doesn't take more than a little logical consistency. Of course, it's not like I lord it over my gf all the time, but she understands why I wouldn't like certain content.

this user gets it

>Do you agree black crime is a problem
In the sense that it is being exacerbated by political manipulation, sure
>how should it be fixed
I don’t have a singular solution but I can tell you that perhaps feeding children a steady diet of political propaganda mixed with media that unambiguously glorifies criminal activity is not part of a solution to lowering black crime rates

nta but it isn't a problem because problems can be named and solved. The black crime problem is like the women driver problem, no solution can be contemplated without disgrace. You can only take measures to keep yourself safe.

I like the 1991 movie
Atwood is a shitty JCO

>Do you agree black crime is a problem
I certainly don't think the black murder rate represents the best of black people.
>how should it be fixed?
blacks are ridiculously materialistic. They need a higher purpose.