Any Forums is bad in a way because a few films monopolize all our attention. Discuss...

Any Forums is bad in a way because a few films monopolize all our attention. Discuss. There's probably a second American Psycho out there we missed.

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This place is impossible to take seriously when it has a constant general for The Boys and two other random Boys threads up at any given time

I'm gonna spoonfeed you quickly.

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decide which movies to watch based on lists on imdb/mubi/letterboxd if the latter has lists, this board is mostly SHIT, pic unrelated

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>Literally me: the thread

The cult following is growing

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There is

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Just the kind of thread I was looking for

I can attest to this one deserving more Any Forums attention.

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saw this recently on some stream that was linked here, kino af

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This was based beyond belief and doesn't get enough love. One of McC's best roles and Letts writing is fantastic. Matthew should play more villains/antiheroes.

Honestly cant remember the last time I watched something new. I just keep rewatching things I already watched.