Literally looks like a porn parody

Literally looks like a porn parody

Attached: munst.jpg (1607x2251, 3.24M)

My dad absolutely loves The Munsters
I know he is going to get his heart broken and I'll have to listen to him bitch about this movie

And that's a good thing?

That has a an appeal the same way Schumacher Batman does.

A gay fetish movie?

munsters are based

also look at the freak on the right, lmao
there is no way she will get a bf looking like that

Attached: ny-1551149607-652wmth505-snap-image.jpg (1200x1500, 132.93K)

i don't know man there's something about porn bitches that always looks a bit off. almost uncanny

Attached: MV5BZTgzNTVkNzEtMGViMi00MjI0LThkMGUtMmE1MTcwODczNzJkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTgwOTE5NDk@._V1_.jpg (777x1130, 346.94K)

God damn, spoiler that shit. I almost puked.

found this in louisiana, mainly because i wanted to complete my whitney stevens collection.

Eddie Munster had a hard life.

Attached: eddie and the monsters.jpg (480x360, 11.67K)

Where is Marilyn?

I always liked them more than the Addams Family because while the Addams were macabre and monstrous the Munsters were friendly and harmless. Their social awkwardness was funnier because it was unintentional.

I don't think this cash grab will work because in a society where men dress like women and teach kids about dildos any baseline for normality gets thrown out the window.

my dad loves the munsters too and will probably love this despite it having none of the charm of the original

The Frankenstein's monster one is wearing platforms.

first time seeing frankenstein shoes?

based zoomer retard

embarrassing, stop posting you dumb nigger

>the Munsters were friendly and harmless

they're going to be edgy serial killers in this

>in a society where men dress like women and teach kids about dildos any baseline for normality gets thrown out the window

and that's a GOOD thing

Frankenstein IS the monster retard.

God Sherri Moon Zombie is so hot.

so like the original ? stupid faggot

It's PG rated, so it won't be, shocking coming from Rob Zombie.

that was the one from brian fuller starring eddie izzard (she/her)