Post your honest thoughts on indians. be honest and don't hold back

post your honest thoughts on indians. be honest and don't hold back

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Friendly, law abiding and productive but smell weird, have a peculiar culture and are giant cheapskates

Ugly, short, weak, disgusting, awkward, stupid but self confident (have no self awareness) and numerous.

full of yourselves

growing up with indoor plumbing in abundance, i find the toilet witch to be a very fascinating phenomenon

i used to think that i was a nigger until...

ugly people ugly language ugly accent ugly cities ugly country

idk why they think they're blacks

>self confident
>no self awareness
completely wrong

I think if they had not been colonized, today would be... haha actually no matter the alternate reality, India will always be a shithole.

i like their hindu mythology, even if i can't really follow it at all.

>self aware
>doesnt kys
one of those is false

spicy food and language ancestors

Good hotel owners and funny accents

Incel people, wants to rape white women

Very rich history and culture. Your country has great potential if it can ever solve its problems. You guys do smell bad though, fr fr.

Weak yes, a nation of virtually 2 billion yet not a single strongman. Stupid, yes, such a huge nation and still barely any Nobel Prizes winners/fields medal winners. Awkward yes, you don't know but we do, you guys are cringe IRL. Self confident holy shit yes, Indians are the most faggots on earth. Imagine if we had 2 billion germanics/scandinavians instead of Indians. Life on earth would be a paradise. They'd be so advanced

Good people that some times have stupid beliefs and poor hygiene standards.

im desi so not sure i should say

>this thread again
Why are you like this


Every desi I know has been incredibly chill. I just hate their food and think that India itself is politically very dysfunctional.