I don't understand

At the end when she was skinned alive and she whispered her last words to that old lady, what did she say? The old lady blew her brains out when she found what existed after death. What comes after death? What made that old woman put a gun in her mouth? I am too low IQ, so please help me understand. Serious discussion here, i hate mysterious endings

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edgy writing: raised Christian edition

She described the content of the briefcase in pulp fiction.

>Live. Laugh. Love.

>The old lady blew her brains out when she found what existed after death. What comes after death?

Trolled or filtered? Who knows. Who cares.

This is a witty response. My first thought was "mcguffin" it doesnt matter. The important part is only the idea. its smart writing.

this is that radiohead video drawn out into a gore film. It has no point or depth or answers.

Bait or stupid I'll bite anyways.
The point was that she said something either horrofying or so great it couldn't be shared with others. Most likely the second one is the true. The afterlife is so great she decided to go there immediately without telling anyone because if you tell someone they would also kill themselves to go there.


The only fitting thing for a horror movie would be: nothing. There is nothing and thus the old lady kills herself to get rid of the guilt she has of committing those horrific experiments for naught.
Anything else would be retarded
>omg the afterlife is SO horrifying haha oopsie guess I better hurry there
>omg the afterlife is SO amazing haha oopsie better not tell anyone because waiting 10 seconds would be too much
idk that or you get reincarnated in another dimension and she was curious

post tits

But if it's good, why not leave a record of it for others to know? It seems more likely to me that it was neither good nor bad but instead there was nothing there. I think her final words make the most sense in this context.

What if it's Hell that awaits the Group, but Mademoiselle was told she'd be spared by not sharing the answer and killing herself immediately? Her suicide would presumably halt the group from continuing to investigate and torment girls because of self-preservation, and denying knowledge of their future in hell would keep them from turning into worse hedonists in the time they have left.

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Their conversation went like this:
>If I pull your skin off, will you die?
>It would be extremely painful.
>You're a big girl.
>For you.

Good stuff

It was called "Chuck's Feed and Seed" all along.

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Has there ever been an instance where the contents of the mcguffin were revealed and it wasn't complete shit?

"There's only one place left in Heaven."
Based trolling skinless sexy bitch taking the asshole old lady down with her last breath.
The experiment failed because it's premise is faulty. You can achieve personal enlightenment with pain and suffering, but that doesn't mean you get a glimpse of the afterlife, if there is one.
With one fell swoop she took down the main bad guy and probably a bunch of her cultists who will also killed themselves just like her. So she saved a lot of girls from the same fate she experienced.

I too think it's nothing however
>There is nothing and thus the old lady kills herself to get rid of the guilt she has of committing those horrific experiments for naught.
It's curious that she didn't kill herself on spot, but promised the cult to share, but then shot herself in front of them.

A. She promised to share but changed her mind because she can't bear to tell the cult the cold truth. But that then means she didn't have guilt over the suffering she caused.

B. The message is mysterious. It can't be understood without suffering.

Either way. I think it's more likely that neither she nor the cult have any guilts. They just want what they want.

"Well well well... Mrs Anderson!"

Damn wouldn't it be convenient if you have just put a microphone to the dying girl?
After all these troubles. All these years. Raising girls. Torturing them. Asking them. The girls aren't tough enough so repeat.
And you missed the last word because?

That's the problem with the cult. The leader always tries to monopolize the revelation.

No because otherwise it wouldn't be considered a mcguffin

"This isn't real. You're in a coma. You need to wake up now or you'll die in real life. You need some big shock to wake you up before it's too late. I'm you. We all are. Wake up. WAKE UP!"

"I saw Xenu..."
Wouldn't you kill yourself after finding that out?

>what did she say?
What you need is a American movie with similar story.
It costed bigger budget but it got the message spelt out for you.

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My nine year old sister had the most explosive orgasm last night watching this movie.

Probably something like you wouldn't get there. Either because only the good get there, or, even funnier, only the martyrs do, and the lady wasn't prepared to take in what she dished out.