Are stores waycis in your crountry?

are stores waycis in your crountry?

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isnt that shaving cream
does their content differ between black and white faces on front?

one of the things i found interesting when visited philly

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perhaps melanated individuals shouldn't steal?

Americans seem to have this thing of products aimed to specific racial demographics, like gendered products that are exactly the same at the end of the line but with races, they even have TV shows made specifically to some races of Americans to watch

tfw only shop at target. Walmart likes to have its stores in bad areas

It's hair dye.

They steal because of social reasons
It just so happens that every other group has privilege, including immigrants who come with less than the average black family has, so they don’t steal.

Italians are all thieves too
And irish

I know the association with negroes but that seems to just be the most expensive one available?

Apparently too many blacks didn't leave this here.

do these people think they just lock random things for a laugh?

Both of those groups are black though

they lock them up due to racism obviously
white man always trying to keep a nigga down

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Sunblock is one of the few items which sometimes are placed in sight of the cashier's here.

Do Americans really, how the fuck does that even work? Say you're gonna buy the groceries for the week, you basically have to have a worker next to you for the whole trip to open everything.

What a country.

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Stealing anything under $950 is literally legal in San Francisco. The police won’t even respond if you report it and stores can’t try to stop shoplifters because of chimpouts. So whole troops of them will swing into stores and steal everything that’s not locked or nailed down. Stores either close or do this.
This used to be only common in liberal shitholes like SF and Portland but it has been spreading since the St Floyd riots.

So does a worker actually walk next to you opening everything if a normal person goes to the store to buy something?

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It's only like that in a few big citites where the local government has been hijacked by a few crazies. The District Attorney for San Francisco was a literal communist for a short while.

I guess so. These are drugstores so usually people only go to them for a few items but still it’s incredibly inconvenient. Plus they usually only gave a few people working.
The chains that own these stores would prefer to close their downtown/ghetto locations completely, but they don’t because that would be le racist. Plus the city government would fuck with their other locations in white areas if they closed down all the black ones.

USA should just segregate among racial groups.
European descent to North, Rockies and New England, Negroes to Southern states, Spics to Texas/Arizona/New Mexico/California and rest will be divided when needed.
Dunno about Asians, maybe some former metropolies like New York/DC area since they are accustomed to live like bugs in megacities.