Sharts name their kids shit like Melvis, Bryder, J.D T.V, raise them on a diet of burger king, Ritalin and Fox News...

Sharts name their kids shit like Melvis, Bryder, J.D T.V, raise them on a diet of burger king, Ritalin and Fox News, subject them to the waking nightmare that is the American public school system, teach them that killing things you don't like is acceptable, buy them guns for their 12th birthday, get thrice divorced and then wonder why there's an epidemic of school shootings.

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based retard

Bryerley, bring me the canned cheese

>teach them that killing things you don't like is acceptable
For me it's shoplifters

Who do you think should be killed?

Americans be like "John Smith? Too boring... I'm naming my son Jhaahn Smyeeth"

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We really need to deal with those guys who intentionally disable the muffler on their motorcycle so they can get attention. Should be an automatic death penalty desu.

Are these siblings?

People who play loud music on public transport

that's the name of the gym my dad goes to lmao

Marriage and divorce settlements are heavily leverage towards women so the government gets more money, women are lavished, single mother spawns bastards who commit crime, use said statistic to ban guns, rinse and repeat until the elite commie state has been established. It's maddening what our shithole has come to

Meanwhile Chinks just throw their children into dumpsters. Glad your parents moved out of that shithole OP.

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>Who do you think should be killed?
Non-whites except the Japanese, Koreans, Thais and Vietnamese.



>wants to be le supreme racist
>can’t hide his yellow fever


>It's just a blapipo th-

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This but for all the white worshipping going on here whether it's shitposting or not

Lakynn a chromosome probably.


Your women provide comfort to me.

what's wrong with melvis?

Americans are trend setters. We come up with wacky made up names and then niggas like you copy us

black american name our kids the way we do because negros spoke french and Spanish before American English was a thing

"white" Americans do that because they are retarded descendants of slaves and serfs