Was he in the right here?

Was he in the right here?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 111.71K)

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It can fix white women thats for sure, but not completely.

Sharia and islam goes hand in hand for this reason


Attached: Muhammad.jpg (1244x789, 145.38K)

>It can fix white women thats for sure, but not completely.
white women are too far gone

You tell me

>Sharia and islam goes hand in hand for this reason

Attached: 20211003_212348.jpg (720x386, 31.62K)

Islam is still pretty retarded but at least they stick to their guns. Christians think bowing down to all criticisms will get people to take them more serious.

>Euro hours
>Pisslam threads on every board

pretty sure he said he wasnt a muslim but i thought orthodox are better than that

Islam is infinitely better than mutt Christianity

>american hours
>"bbc" is mentioned at least once in every thread

ok now hold that pic irl without a ski mask

Islam is mean to gay people and women, that's why it's bad.

Yeah, posted by Islamic terrorists

>dude trust me its da muzzlams that posted it
lol lmao


It's also mean to people who watch movies

i'd probably pro-islam if there weren't any of the goatfuckers in my country

Why is this ugly low iq mutt being spammed here recently?

Muzzies hate niggers. Americans worship them

Yeah those 3rd world savages who can't stop obsessing about taking down America surely wouldn't try to ruin an American image board with propaganda

Most of the Euros on here really are just shitskins who fled their shithole countries, aren't they?

I'd take no entertainment over lgbtranny running the show any day

Whiter than you tho

If you like having a pedophile prophet, book full of bullshit, fairy tale stories and want to beat your wife and have sex slaves then sure

You're projecting. Most american flags on pol are mexican shitskins. Write a bad thing about them and you get bombarded with american (you)s

Both can be true, Ahmed.

That's because you're a goatfucker phoneposting from a cave where there's no tv reception and your DVD player is broken. Butthurt savage


>still projecting

at least my kids wont get trooned out, have fun raising a generation of kids with tranny education