This kills the american

>this kills the american

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what a waste of space could have put another lane on both sides

>still has cars

now dig up the road and put train tracks there.

Walking literally kills americans

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You are american tourist in stockholm, whats your move here?

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I think cars are useful for a specific class of citizens but car-designed cities are peak retard

yes but you get no garden and its loud outside


find the nearest Finn and punch him in the gut, scream at him to go back to his stone age shithole country.

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finn will stab you

I remember a tweet from some blue check American journalist where the guy said he got an ankle sprain because he had to walk 1 and a half mile and that he went through hell lmao, I thought it was a meme but the Americans can't walk is real.

? speak up finnshit

There is a youtube video where an Amerifat warns others that they should practice walking and wear "walking shoes". They really don't walk anywhere.

best thing about europe is that suburbs and cities are separated, cities being walkable and getting more care free while suburbs are for cars and gardens.

Im in stockholm right now theres still car roads everywhere. Inshallah they tear them down soon

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only poorfags live in appartments
even the middleclass can buy a rowhouse in the suburbs, i want to kill my mum for buying a shitty apartment instead of a rowhouse

The quality came out shit but it always flips the image from iphone unless i screenshot it

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there is almost nowhere to walk around here, you run the risk of being hit by a car every time you go for a walk. one time i even got hit while i was crossing the fucking street at a marked crosswalk. people here don't even consider pedestrians to be a possibility.

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Wtf you talkin, cities are more expensive to live than suburbs