Is it possible to make a more Reddit film?

Knew nothing about this because I saw a silent fight clip, saw it tagged "kung fu", and wanted to preserve the mystery. Those days are behind me. Everything gets vetted from now on.

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Reddit-tier celebrations of the ignorance of meaninglessness

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>Everything gets vetted from now on.
Welcome to 2014 me

This board, now full of plebbitors, wouldn't understand

>movie has reddity name
>wtf why is it so reddity?

movie was great. you got filtered.

>celebrations of the ignorance of meaninglessness
kek, completely filtered.

4channer thinks everything everywhere is Reddit

I actually thought it might've been foreign and given a quirky name because of some inventive visuals. I should have turned it off as soon as I realized, but I have some thing about finishing a movie after uI start it. That's probably over with, too.

Isn't this fucking thing about some Asian boomer accepting her gay daughter? A movie we need in fucking 2022 CE.

Have you seen it? It's like the screenplay was written by Cards Against Humanity. It's the most aggressively le quirky thing I've ever seen.

>buzzword buzzword

The directors display that type of tryhard/show-off ineptitude that some casual viewers mistake for "talent". Swiss Army Man was already an affected, smarmy mess. Everything etc added annoying editing, unsubtle multiculturalism and melodrama and the result is truly atrocious.

>You are straight user, you got filtered, you should be gay.


The movie's core themes actually draw heavily from traditional eastern asian philosophies and beliefs. it may seem like it's about liberalism, homosexuality, multiculturalism, or whatever that's trendy in america at the moment, but that's just the cover for something else entirely.

I'm surprised Any Forums didn't like this movie. It was okay, maybe top 3 for the year but what is it competing with besides Maverick
The dad felt very relatable, a pushover who is henpecked by a wife who thinks she's too good for everything, then his multiverse self (who was successful because he didn't stay with her) owned her by saying he "fights" by being nice. Actually a good message in that, acting like a twat gets you nowhere in life, even when you're technically correct, but nice people get a pass on all sorts of shit.

Yes, Confucius wrote extensively about wacky hotdogs fingers, dildos-as-weapons, and hilarious animal misidentifications in Disney films. The racoon pilot gag wasn't stretched way beyond its welcome, it was actually an allegory for Chuang Tzu's butterfly.

Thanks for reminding me why I unsubbed from Drinker.

Ditto, ppl are getting too hung up on the surface details. I saw the movie as a rejection of nihilism told through a family embracing their circumstances. You guys realize movies are about more than the plot right?

until this movie was released, A24 had a reputation of never releasing a shitty film.

Still does.

It was sold as complex and it was choppy and metaphysical when its themes are run of the mill
>draw heavily
Perfunctorily more like. There's nothing that deep andit's insulting to Asian tradition to say this movie exemplifies it. It's ultimately soap operaish.

I remember something Ebert said, "it's not what movie is about, but how it's about it." I understand the themes and could see the philosophical aspirations (how could you miss it?) But the "how" is so abrasively annoying, 'cute', and teh PenGu1n of D00M! that you can feel the smug sense of """cleverness""" through the screen. It's the first movie I've seen in a while that I genuinely regret sitting through, despite some cool shots / lighting / visuals.

I always wonder how anyobe can feel "smugness" from a movie bar the most PC junk from Hollywood. The only people I see with these comments online are notoriously uneducated.