POV: You are white woman in Georgia about to suck kavkaz dick

POV: You are white woman in Georgia about to suck kavkaz dick

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>Liberal twinks get plowed by kavkaz bvlls every night
>And i'm stuck here

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>in Georgia
Why do Georgians like to lie and steal so much?

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picture was taken when he still played in batumi retard

My bad, nigga

Georgians are easily the most pacified Caucasians

Georgians have tiny and cute penises tho

Armenia has never done anything wrong

t. Never met an Armenian

Georgia is my favourite middle eastern country.

what is the kardashian?

Why do you give free compliments to Georgia tho

Because it's my favourite middle eastern country

>implying they would pay

We aren't middle eastern

What are you trying to achieve

>we aren't middle eastern

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So Georgians are dogs then?

Iranians are Indo-European

They are arabs

alhamdullilah brother

What kind of bullshit is that? And how reliable is that? Persians stole Georgian children for a while to the point that literally every Iranian nobleman had Georgian mother or something.

“When describing Persians, old traveler Jean Chardin, says that their blood was improved and dignified through the frequent marriages with Georgians. You will not able to find a noblemen or an outstanding figure in Persia whose mother is not a Georgian”, - Charles Darwin, English naturalist and geologist

what do you think about saakashvili?

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Oh you're that Ossetian shizo

Now that makes sense

he did lot good but overstayed his welcome

>every Iranian nobleman
What about other 99.9% of people?

For me, it’s Lasha Talakhadze