What were you doing 21 years ago in your country?

What were you doing 21 years ago in your country?

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heaving sex with you mom

I was in 4th grade living in a one bedroom apartment with my mom and sister. I did not care about 9/11

crying of joy

My firts year in school. I was bullies and older brother present me brass knuckle that he made from old cycle wrench.

What is your financial situation now?

shitting a diaper

Being happy instead of a miserable cunt who posts on Any Forums at 3AM.

I got an M.S. and make great money. we're all gonna make it (you will always feel shitty inside thoughever).

Not born yet

Recreating the scenes from tv with my toy planes.

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I was in kindergarten, digging a hole in the backyard

playing outside like a normal kid

Was at school. Think I kissed a girl.


my dad waking me up and telling me to watch exactly what was happening on the tv. i was 12. was pretty gnarly. then i played diablo 2 all day because there was no school for that day. then we watched a bunch of shit in class for the rest of the week about terrorists and such.

Watching the Angry Beavers I guess

failing math

Enjoying 3rd grade

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I remember having to go to school that day, I had just started 8th grade and the confusion around the school even with the teachers was insane

Not being alive

I don't remember because I was 4 and my earliest memories are from just before my 5th birthday.

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Going googoogaga probably

i was not alive :D

I was in kindergarten, i don't remember anything specific though

I was smoking a joint with a friend, watching some stupid TV show, when the program just was interrupted and we went "DUUUUDE"

peak comf

What's the french equivalent of dude weed lmao?