Just here to fuck your wife's ass Marty

Just here to fuck your wife's ass Marty

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is this show better or worse than breaking bad?

why are you even comparing them

Worse. Numerous plot threads are abandoned and Matthew's character is an annoying writer's literally me self insert

Imagine using Breaking Bad as the barometer of a good show. Yes it's way better than Breaking Bad, that's not even saying much, BB is overrated. True Detective Season 1 is peak tv.

Season 3 is peak tv.

>True Detective Season 1 is peak tv.
You need to watch more tv. The ending is complete garbage.


>t. pic rel

Attached: noggit.png (913x401, 515.21K)

They're both rewarding watches but TD has way less filler, way more rewarding scenes, better actors, better writing, better pacing, better females (by FAR), better action, better soundtrack and mixing, better cinematography, and more rewatchability.

Conversely, nearly all of this superiority is concentrated in the first season. TD S1 is a more rewarding watch then the entire BB run.

season 5 script leak
>*early 2019*
>Marty you ever heard of this guy Jeffrey Epstein?
>hes a financier right?
>come on Marty, you believe that bullshit. hes mossad. you even know what that is Marty?
>that's just a conspiracy Rust, like Soros funding the new world order or Hollywood being full of pedos
>Marty, you're such a dumb, hick, piece of shit sometimes. makes me wonder about the collective IQ of those subreddits you visit. now i got a hot tip off/tv/ that this satanic pedo is going to be arrested this summer. i want us to be the true detectives who take him down. what do you think Marty?
>i'm in Rust!
>well alright alright alright

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I like fucking my wifes ass

>the ending is complete garbage
Quite the opposite. You are used to everything you consume being shit and that's why you were disappointed when the first season of True Detective didn't offer a condescending, insulting, pedantic ending where the good guys stop the bad guys and ride off into the sunset and you get a feelgood stiffy because everything worked out in the end. This is because you are accustomed to being condescended to, basically conditioned to accept soft-serve baby food slop (which is why you bring up shit like space wizard fantasy films for children in a thread about an HBO horror crime drama) so much so that you throw violent tantrums like a child whenever something has the audacity to attempt to challenge you or confront you with harsh realities. Like two detectives taking so long to close a case that by the time they do it basically no longer matters, everyone important has either gotten away or died and it's just a fall guy who is left. Like the "villain" of the show just being another victim of the same cycles of abuse that will continue forever. It's all way too heady and thoughtful for you, you prefer a neat tidy overly simplistic conclusion that plays to the cheap seats and makes you feel happy and contented.

In all honesty, the show is a masterpiece work tying in all sorts of musings, some political, emotional, theological, etc. Certainly a craft made of pure passion and blood. I don’t think any other show in the last 50 years of syndicate television history has even come close, and believe me, I’ve seen them all. For too long events such as the dynamic between Rust and Marty, one, a man down on his luck and in a bit of a rut, a sort of, condemnation of his soulful truths, and the other, a large crackpot with a beautiful family but with many skeletons in the closet, and many demons inhabituating his warped psyche. These two men came together though and crafted something brilliant: a masterpiece of political fiction and intense, nail biting drama. It would be traumatic, I think, to not give credit to the man himself: Mike Pizzolato, the creator of the show, for he is probably the brightest mind inhabituating the world today, and he certainly deserves more credit, respect, adoration and worship than he is currently receiving. For too long geniuses such as himself have been forced to live under the radar with not so much as an award under his belt. I think it’s time for things such as thing to change to such a degree to become a life-like substitute for a better world, for we certainly could use a better world for ourselves to inhabituate in trying times such as these. True Detective is the greatest thing to have ever happened to me, and if you give it a shot, it probably will be for you, too.

It was all the same thing. It was all just the same meme, a meme you shared on a chinese basketweaving forum.
A meme about being... an autist.

These posts were too long so I simply did not read them

Seethe harder nigger

Jesus you cunts have low standards.

What do you expect from zoomers? They're the nigger of generations.

Go back to your cape shit threads you fucking faggot.

Read them.

I watch season 3 for she.

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