Who will play Elon in the biopic?

Who will play Elon in the biopic?

Attached: musk.png (1844x1134, 1.36M)

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Sex pest


>claims to want to save the world
>telling everybody to shit out 10 children

Wtf is his problem

>balding nerd
>becomes rich
>every roast from hollywood to nyc jumps on his cock
>sex pest

He's tame for the richest man on Earth, if it were me I'd have like 100 kids.

>have the worst personality and looks on earth
>still manage to impregnate hundreds of women
remember guys women will fuck anything as long as it comes with a big enough paycheck, they are literally all whores.




Attached: 1654640127325.jpg (2000x4160, 817.04K)

Elon isn’t THE Antichrist but he is antichrist in spirit


Attached: 08A82310-9F46-4E42-B239-BD1702FAEA76.jpg (750x1238, 330.01K)

>>telling everybody to shit out 10 children
there's literally nothing wrong with that once you can afford to take care of them.

the guy that was the riddler in the wokeman

he's going to apologize and become an extreme leftist

why do people hate jeff bezos but like elon musk ?

....Les Enfants terribles

Uncaught (in promise): Error: Error in app/testbed/node/index.js:337:46 caused by: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

Musk simp

>African American
>baby daddy
Checks out

He's fucking finished

planet's already full
>planet population multiplying by 10 times is sustainable
yet you incels already bitch about house prices and how hard it is to find a job, weird.

>be African
>can't stop knocking women up
he truly is an african american

Why are billionaire men still such simp cucks?

Jeff Bezos has unironically done far more good for the world than most of the people leftists worship. So has Musk.

Technology is the anti-christ and if you haven't realized this by now it's hopeless

Oh, did he lose all his money or is this just tabloid bullshit again? Yeah, I think he'll be fine.

This is the woman he fucked btw

Attached: 1657160193404.jpg (922x1200, 464.91K)

it's literally just incel nerds who like space, that's it.

jeff bezos is kinda ugly user, at the very least musk looks normal even though he's an autist

white people are not reproducing though

bezos doesnt post memes on twitter

the babies are going to look white, so no problem

The real question is why does the media hate monger Jeff and Elon, but completely ignores Larry Fink? Why indeed

this. not with grimes tho lmao

I've seen better women on bumble

Why don't Musk-types just find a normal girl who will worship them, instead of other executives or celeb whores?

>that pic
This Musk worship shit has gotten out of hand.

It’s from 4 years ago. It’s predictive programming for when they try to normalize his brain chipping

“He said that he had come to that conclusion after a chat in a hot tub, where it was pointed out that computing technology has advanced so quickly that at some point in the future it will become indistinguishable from real life – and, if it does, there’s no reason to think that it hasn’t done already and that that’s what we are currently living through.”
The real life Tony Stark is kind of stupid.

Why does this richfag pretend to be a genius? He just throws money at smart people and claims whatever they invent

Jeff Bezos is kind of a faceless corporatist that people can ascribe the worst to, and when he does make appearances he always seems pretty corporate. Elon, for all his faults, at least presents himself as he is and puts his autism on full display, which coupled with his many corporate ventures and espoused love of ideas make him seem like an eccentric, Willy Wonka-esque capitalist and thus a character that people can get behind and like

she looks a bit indo-dutch actually

Wonder if that would be the case if he was still visibly balding
Give me some hope bros