Why was this balding fatty so irresistible to women? And don't tell me it was his "confidence"

Why was this balding fatty so irresistible to women? And don't tell me it was his "confidence".

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Violence and popularity

Women are only sexually attracted to those

cuz he was makin monayyy

It's not confidence in this case. Its dominance. He's the boss and acts like it

Big Bari Cock

He had an edge to him and yes he was overly masculine and confident and walked into an area and garnered attention not from reputation alone but he was a pretty tall and large guy in general

Money and power. You dense?

He was getting disrespected fairly often

sadly this is all probably true.
something must be done to address this delusion society has forced upon us.
We're going in the wrong direction.

>women see other men showing deference to him
>he throws cash around like it's nothing
>why would women want to fuck him??

if the feds are reading this i think we really need to be honest about the financial issues in male-female relationships.
we are creating a generation of whores.
we know how this goes.

The people who disrespected him didn't do so good.

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They know. Its intentional

It's always been this way. Life is about survival and if you're a woman, allying yourself with the toughest, wealthiest man has been the best survival tactic since the caveman days.

What i mean to say is that my experience has shown me that women dont really want to earn money, they want to have it.
men literally have nothing to do with themselves but earn it and spend it on women.
something needs to balance this.

we could create more tough, wealthy men if we didnt demoralize and mislead them.
it's not good for either gender.

i hope youre wrong.

start a retro video game collection instead

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No, I think we need to lean harder into this. Things went to shit as soon as feminists got duped into thinking joining the workforce was some kind of revolutionary act of freedom.

yeah but they were his best oenars

that's sort of what i am saying.
people are too nice to women in workplaces and way too hard on men.
the fact is that if a woman is born appearing a certain way she could be an almost guaranteed millionaire by simply waiting.
men don't really have that option at all, really.

it's human nature. Men are usually more attracted to females with large hips due to birthing and women are more attracted to taller and muscular men for protection. We are civilized but often forget we're still animals in our DNA and survival is always subconsciously playing a role

i agree, but i think we are getting too far away from that in the attempt to create a polite society.
i think a true utopia would take these nasty realities into consideration instead of simply doing lip-service.

its happening with troonys too. fuck this gay earth.

To be fair, a transexual's life is much harder than either a man or a woman's.
They might actually need some help.
The problem is women like to be helped when they dont really need it.

He was 6'1