
*DING DING DONG* edition


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I will NEVER slave in brown shit!

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rise and shine

up and at 'em

i hope burgas sinks in the sea so this mentally ill manlet finally dies

New maymun threads

happy 9/11


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Zoro !

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I dont get why we dont stop our gas pipeline that supplies Serbia and Hungary due to maintenance, indefinitely. Just like Russians do. Why does the EU dont pull this trigger?

what do i care about serbia and hungary?

the final argument that Romanians are not balkanoids

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yunanlar becoming maymun but why

Can't wait to finally have a bulgarian ruling party after these elections. Caмo Бългapия и Bъзpaждaнe

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I hope it happens. And Bulgaria needs to help Serbia against the sqiptar treat


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>Noooo, Serbia and Hungary can't buy gas and do stuff independently. They have to sabotage and kill their own country like good EU/NATO puppets
This is why I hate DB/PPPP voters. Their only redeeming quality is that they are gay and can't reproduce. Plus, once Radio Free Europe and DW get banned as propaganda media by Vyzrajdane, their numbers will drop quickly and they won't be able to spread their hateful ideologies

we'll see
the "i don't want to vote" normies have refused to see reason so far

Good morning to everyone itt

Throwing this pale angel here
>inb4 nose ring
Nigga u gay

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I'll help siptars against the chetnik threat

rose ring lowered her from 10/10 to 7/10
good morning komşu

>Noooooo Russia can simply invent technical problems but the EU cant, that's unfair
Kys brainlet

>t. Meхмeт Mюмюнoв Aхмeдoв