You wanted new characters in Star Wars instead of Lucasfilm recycling the same five legacy characters for nostalgia

You wanted new characters in Star Wars instead of Lucasfilm recycling the same five legacy characters for nostalgia.

This character has an interesting backstory on paper and there's still a lot they could do with her.

The actress was wooden but so was Mark Hamill in the original Star Wars (1977).

What the fuck is your problem, Any Forums?

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>You wanted new characters in Star Wars

Filoni sisters I think we’re done for

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Nobody actually wants more star wars redditspace.
Because we know you're going to keep pulling this shit because you literally can't not do it, and we killed any affection we had for the franchise when you cast John Boyega just to get a reaction so you could call us racist.

What we wantED was Kathleen Kennedy's head on a spike, but the time when that would have meant anything is now passed.

at some point these weirdly dressed internet characters will grow into it

like when you see 60 year old rockers with thinning ponytails, their beer bellies barely fitting into that Iron Maiden jacket they've had since they were a teenager

gotta respect that man

>actress was wooden
She literally did fine, every chud thinks she “ruined” kenobi but I actually enjoyed the show.

I honestly think there was a lot of racist/sexist sentiment on her alone. At first I thought, oh my god Disney has ruined another one. But then I watched it and quite enjoyed myself. Definitely really based throwback references to the best movie they made (revenge of the sith) very nostalgic and Chad tier.

When she was evil-yelling she was fine.

When she was evil-quiet it didn't work. Didn't come off as intimidating and you already had the Grand Inquisitor as the "aiding a Jedi will result in punishment, we are doing the right thing" guy. He was great.

Don't understand why they had her as a foil to him. The fuck was her problem? He didn't murder her friends.

Bait and switch, exactly as predicted.
The show is called Obi-wan Kenobi and his co-star is a black chick who's an evil inquisitor
>I bet it's actually about the black chick's redemption arc
It is.

I don’t think her character was intended to be intimidating, her beef was with the sith that were responsible. And he swore allegiance to that.
I feel like if they truly wanted her as evil they would’ve projecting that.

I honestly think there was a lot of based/red pilled sentiment on her alone. At first I thought, oh my god Disney has elevated another one. But then I watched it and quite hated it myself. Definitely really cash grabbing throwback references to the most watchable movie they made (revenge of the shit) very shitty and virgin tier.

Yeah this is an example of a strong woman written well.

Just as a character, she has a strong motivation that fits well into the lore of Star Wars (of course some kids must have escaped the Temple). She has training. She has motivation. She tries at things, and she fails at them. Her personality gets her into trouble.

Race doesn't matter at all, but I'm not from a country where that's even 'an issue'.

Who cares, nobody seemed to have a problem with Mace Windu. The Star Wars universe is full of aliens and non-human life, I think blacks fall into that category.

She sliced a hand off a random lady.

But it didn't feel like "whoa this bitch is evil even for the Empire, you do NOT fuck with her" it felt more like "wow, what a rude thing to do."

The movies aren't about fuckin Mace Windu and aren't billed as being about him. So yeah, no one has a problem with him.

The Last Jedi wasn't about the last Jedi.

Honestly what could you have called this show? I think something like "The Obi-Wan Chronicles" would have worked. It's not about him, but it's about some adventures he goes on.

>This character has an interesting backstory on paper and there's still a lot they could do with her.
Bitch, her backstory is complete dogshit. She only joined the inquisitors & participated In hunting down Jedi + oppressing innocents so she could extract her revenge on Vader for hunting down Jedi + oppressing innocents. She also wanted to kill Obi-Wan for not stopping Order 66.

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I hate Mace Windu, but he's just one (1) of many PT characters I hate for the same reason:

We're told they're powerful because they just ARE, ok?? Then they all get into elaborate laser fights and they're just great at them because they're JEDI MASTERS.

Just have one story about one character GETTING to that point, and the entire Jedi Council can be a character called Yoda.

>interesting backstory on paper

Mace Windu is not a bait and switch, the story remains focussed on Anakin Skywalker while Mace Windu remains a consistent support character the whole PT.

Even the most racist troll doesn't want to replace James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader. But the fact is Lucasfilms is casting based on race for the sole reason of pissing off the chuds for free marketing. That is not the basis of kino.

They couldn't POSSIBLY have sold a Reva standalone series, so they made it anyway and called it Obi-Wan then yelled at the people who saw through that obvious bullshit for being racist in a whole series of pre-prepared remarks because they knew EXACTLY what was coming and were banking on it.

The same people in here are the ones who post in Dr Strange 2 threads saying that was also good. Holy fuck this reddit forum is embarrasing.

I guess I’m not much of a fan anymore. All I want Star Wars to do now is end. Star Trek to end. Harry Potter to end. Alien, Predator, all of it. Just end please. Someone tell a new story for fuck’s sake!

Holy SHIT, do you hear yourself? You /pol chuds are all the same, looking into shit that’s not there.

I like a character who has a morally grey way of achieving their goals, and I'm usually a fag who thinks Star Wars should be black and white ("if you think about it the Rebels are terrorists"/"what if SOME Imperials are good" fuck off the opening title crawl TELLS you).

Even just "I want to kill Darth Vader" isn't a noble goal when it's for the reasons she has. It's a personal vendetta, not because he's a Nazi space wizard.

Nobody wants ugly niggers

>muh Any Forums boogeymen

>new character
>child who grows up and becomes proficient in the force, becomes evil, then sort of becomes good again
Same fucking shit over and over again.

Ginger Sith.

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>I'm usually a fag
Go back.

speak for yourself faggot
i wanted to see mara jade on the big screen portrayed by a proper actress
stupid motherfucker

>likes a piece of film that isn’t dogshit tier American physco
>/tv loses minds

>This character has an interesting backstory on paper

No she fucking doesn't.

It's baby's first DnD character sheet backstory. This is the best that Disney's overpaid, nepotistically sourced writers can come up with.
Her entire backstory is also spoiled at minute 0:00 because we all know a black female villain isn't allowed to be actually evil, and so based on the snatches of information given in the first episode, you can immediately ascertain her backstory and her inevitable "arc" even down the pacing as it fits into the runtime. Instead of having a pure villain, they ditch that premise for some kind of "deep" backstory that is predictable and unconvincing.
It's embarassing, it's just embarassing that the people who wrote this show probably thought they were being clever or interesting.


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Did you read what he wrote?

Unless I'm misunderstanding, he's saying they not only anticipated the 'racist backlash', they manufactured it. This was a decision they made.

The Walt Disney Company does not give a flying fuck about racism. They downplayed John Boyega's role to sell to a racist audience. They care about making money.

This was all fantastic marketing.

Where's the lie?
Before the first episode even dropped there were articles about Ingram being sat down by Lucasfilms and "warned" about "racist backlash" and blah blah blah CSR bullshit.
It's fucking transparent.


What boards should I go to when I'm not a fag, user?

>that spacing
>that syntax
>pretending to be someone else

>This character has an interesting backstory on paper
Not really. It's a standard revenge story. She resents the Jedi for failing her and she hates Vader in particular because he's the poster boy of their failure. But there's not much else they can do with her now because as a personality she's pretty flat.

>I want to see them fuck up Mara Jade so I can scream to high heaven that it doesn't match my exact perception of her.
Even Kathleen Kennedy is not that dumb.

>It's baby's first DnD character sheet backstory.

An orphan farmboy whose village gets destroyed so he picks up his father's sword then takes on a quest in a bar?

Play Moldvay Basic D&D, 'storytelling' has fucked the game over so hard.

I use paragraphs because my posts are more important than yours.

They require the extra verticality.

Who are you quoting?

>This was all fantastic marketing.
Is the part you got wrong. It's a terrible business model. This won't have earned a single Disney+ subscription and only further entrenched negative opinion about Disney+ because once again we have been shown that Disney can't be trusted.

Don't give them your money for sure, but DEFINITELY do not give them your heart. They will only hurt you.

I didn't subscribe to Disney+ but I watched Kenobi.

I only found out about it through the 'controversy'. I would not have watched otherwise (have never seen The Mandalorian or Boba Fett for example).

You'd think people would realize MegaCorp does not care about social justice (notice how it's always whichever issue is currently trendy?) and they only care about making money. But they've had meetings and they know outrage sells.