ITT: Blatant propaganda Any Forums from around the world

ITT: Blatant propaganda Any Forums from around the world.

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Don't care. It's kino

Every modern American
>Blapipo are oppressed!
Hidden figures, Black panther, Get out, the birth of a nation reboot, the list goes on and on

>random redhead found osama bin laden
>americans believed it

parody of a country

definitely propaganda, still pretty kino. little bit boring and the front half of it ran too long. overall would recommend but it gets mogged by sicario in the spook kino department.

>americans believed it
we also believe they actually killed bin Laden in this raid, did not release footage or any pictures, and we refuse to acknowledge the first female president of Pakistan who claimed he died of kidney failure in 2007 and then got Islam'd by a teenager the same year, who shot her and then detonated a suicide vest, and the investigation by her own gov was canned with heavy allegations that it was all planned by the CIA.

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take it to /x/ you insufferable faggot

why, it makes sense lol

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>I'm jewish.
Shutup kike.

For a while there this movie made me a Any Forums faggot that believed that fascism was the answer.
Stunning piece of cinema.

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>historical movies are propaganda
uhm no sweetie i know youre a chinese shill ant but these dont meet the definitions :)

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>believing the words of a paki

Literally just watched this, stop stalking me Any Forums
Also yeah it's clearly propaganda-y when it comes to the torture stuff but Jessica Chastain is hot so it's okay and I want a fierce redhead glowie gf

especially with them portraying it as though Obama was the savior the GITMO even though he never closed it like he said.
plus them stroking off the Bin laden raid with this, even though it was already being made as the raid was yet to happen.
can you tell this came out during an election year?

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Watched this in the theater, fell asleep it’s one of the only movies I’ve actually slept during

no she isn't. she's fucking disgusted with her sunken eyes and nasty red hair. she looks like she smells like shit

She's hotter in real life.


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Not her, the lady she is sorta based on. There was a female CIA agent working on this. Maya is fictional, but apparently the real fed-girl was hot.

>source? A pakistani woman.

nigga you cant be serious.