*walks at you*

*walks at you*

Attached: 1657022467487.png (1080x1079, 1.45M)

*gets blown away in a light breeze*
bye ellen

why does this guy look super ripped but also super short?

*Forcibly French Kisses with salivia rejuvinating lost tits, disassembling the sausage, and restoring saggy skin*

I just hit her with a "good day madam" and walk by.

Attached: 1480805859675.jpg (694x740, 102.91K)

Trans people are weird and crazy but do they not deserve respect and dignity?

Yeah but do you know where you are?

>getting your tits cut off
>getting fake abs
>getting jaw implants
she has no dignity at this point. shes just another victim of the CIA's transgenderism operation.

Uh... the delts and traps are looking respectable. What kind of shit is she taking?

Because you don't know what being ripped actually looks like.

why respect those who don't respect themselves?

But i do, my boyfriend sleep on the same bed.

should be earned
they don't have any to begin with

He's the new Flash but instead of running real fast he shows his Frankenweiner to unsuspecting pedestrians

Attached: d01rt8.jpg (456x456, 19.76K)

it's annoying that you keep posting this but it still makes me giggle

>Trans people are weird and crazy
Back to Any Forums Terf nazi.

Looks like she just walked out of a brick wall lol


Attached: 1656886227066.png (499x461, 90.52K)

Xhe is going for that "literally me" aesthetic, collab with goose when?


Attached: 1653474250229.png (661x594, 220.1K)

Can Any Forums find this place on google maps so I can see if there's any entries or egresses nearby? I don't understand what he's doing walking out of a brick wall

>I'm building a team

Attached: 13511.jpg (501x751, 142.23K)

does that mean they deserve to bully, jail, and silence people who criticize them and do not want to play into their delusions?
does that mean they should be given tax dollars to fund their vanity surgeries?
does that mean they should be able to groom children and take them away from their parents if they do not support or believe in this kind of lifestyle?

he walked out the gate and locked it, turned 360 degrees and walked toward the camera
are chuds really this retarded?

>her face

Attached: charls lol.gif (292x292, 1.44M)