God is a woman

>God is a woman
>13th apostle who was black
>Jesus was black
>abortion is good and approved by two junkie prophets
>whore muse
>Bible was written by racist and sexist men
How pozzed was this movie?

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You forgot
>Jay canon homosexual

Damn, they made fun of religion for real? That's kinda fucked up desu

They never poke fun at anything but Christianity. It's the low hanging fruit of religious commentary. They'll never actually have the balls to criticize any but the one

That's so not okay.

>This again
I'm tired, boss.

Literally the most subversive disgusting shit I've ever seen. It redpilled me hard at 13 watching it on comedy central and I can't even pretend to find those faggots funny anymore in any of their other movies, not that they are close to good either.

Dogma is best viewaskew movie and really the only good thing Smith has ever written


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oh no the poor christians

Liberals can only argue in bad faith, you're proof of that. Go post about your precious pet nigger golems in another thread nerd

>Bible was written by racist and sexist men
but that's factual

you mean like you're doing right now?

Why are the christians of Any Forums so angry and spiteful all the time?

And that's a good thing

I don't want to see you bitching when we start rounding up the jews into ovens again, ok?

Is anyone on Any Forums not hateful and spiteful?

>Dragon's Dogma 2 officially announced

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If the world wasn't so pozzed and removed from God we would be having literal crusades to clean this shit up right now. But instead the five thousand or so of us awake enough to pay attention to this disgusting hellscape liberals have created are stuck being bitter because we don't have any realistic path forward

sure buddy... any day now

seems the movie got exactly the reaction it wanted out of you
sorry man, but you're the butt of the joke this time
happens to all of us eventually

>you're the butt of the joke this time
>happens to all of us eventually
All of us being white Christian men you mean.

Will they develop the Fournival romance plot?

yeah.. never on this earth has there ever been a joke about people who are not white christian men, so exhausting

larp harder

This. Holocaust never happened and never will happen.