Chris Watts

>murdered his pregnant wife and two kids
>dumped the bodies at his own workplace
>used his work truck with GPS to dump the bodies
>called the kids' private school the next day to say they wouldn't be coming back
>put his house up for sale shortly afterwards
>kept texting his mistress while his neighbors and the police were investigating his house
>was filmed loading up the bodies in his truck
>agreed to give an interview to the media where he visibly couldn't contain his laughter
>agreed to do a lie detector test even though he had no reason to
>spoke to police without a lawyer even though he had no reason to
>gets caught

If this was a movie this board would've said it was garbage. What was his fucking problem?

Attached: 1638570213595.png (720x960, 563.6K)

He was legitimately retarded and his wife was a bitch

Wtf is that patch on his arm?

autism awareness


his wife was into some weird mlm scam where she shilled some patches

>maybe a little narcissistic but a complete normalfaggot otherwise
>doesn't think too much about choking out his daughters

He was ass drunk

>make 1 (ONE) simple mistake
>american "justice" system puts you in jail for life

Imagine doing all this just for anal
Women poop from there, you know that right?

It's a caffeine patch

what is with this board's obsession with this faggot?

All the information about the case - interviews, bodycam footage, text messages - is available online
Also it's fun to point out that the guy was a fucking idiot who clearly didn't plan the murders very well besides
>kill family -> ??? -> begin new life doing anal with mistress

There's a lot of footage of him talking to the press and police as a suspect

Imagine killing your kids because you want some fresh pussy. Glad he's a fucking moron who got caught. Fucking piece of shit.

He wouldn't have had to do it if she allowed him to ram it into the poop chute.

reddit crossposters who are obsessed with true crime shit.

>quadruple homicide
>one mistake

>a lot of footage of these people
That's what so suspicious about this case.

it was a butthole

they would have cucked him with black or mexican dick. he did the right thing.

Could easily be the plot of a Blade Runner film, the man was a fucking NPC who snapped his programming

Attached: wattsahs.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

>>called the kids' private school the next day to say they wouldn't be coming back
>>put his house up for sale shortly afterwards

Attached: wtf.jpg (680x793, 40.68K)

ass drunk

Chris Watts honestly had no choice. Put yourself in his shoes. his girlfriend would literally spread her big brown poop hole and get it nice and stretched out so he could lube his weiner up with her butt cream and she would plop it down on that weiner and ride it till it made a fart vacuum in her butt cavity that literally would suck the sperm juice from his balls. He was so ass drunk after that he killed his family with his smelly poop wiener in his pants

Femoids are the ones obsessed with true crime.... is there actually femoids here?

>some fresh pussy
It was ass he wanted, educate yourself.

>Makes the ultimate kino in your path

Attached: HBO_robert_durst_2_jt_150315_16x9_992.jpg (992x558, 64.14K)

Wait there are men on this board? Any Forumssisters what the fuck happened?

I never underatood this shit. Why not just get a fucking divorce???
>inb4 divorce rape
If I remember correctly he was your typical oil field retard in that he spread himself way too thin with debt and that they were essentially broke.

How do your daughters cuck you? Do you fuck your daughters?

ayo he dindu nuffin it was his first extreme offence