Russia is losing

Russia is losing
Mobilization in few hours
Men aged 17-27 be ready to die

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two more hours

They can't force people to mobilize unless Russia is invaded.

Chuds and Bolshevik boomers on suicide watch

Another Thuletide W

But I thought the Ukraine was the nazi chud one?

Ukraine will try to take Crimea soon, that's exactly it

Ukraine isn't gonna fall for that are they, its literally a trap for a nuclear response.

Can Russia's economy even handle total war mobilization

They would just pop out a few tactical nuclear weapons against troop formations when Crimea gets invaded and call it a day. But knowing how much of a cuck putin is it won't happen.

I see you know nothing about Soviet Union, Stalin killed more of his own citizens than the Nazis did.

They had much worse. The question is how much dogshit can the population take.

What is Georgia 2008

Back then they had stronk heavy machinery soviet command economy, not corrupted psuedo-capitalist oligarchy

I'm just repeating what their president said.
But then again, he is anything but honest.

This would never happen. That’s like saying the US would nuke Kabul to stop the Taliban from taking it.

Well my father and brother are not threatened by mobilization so lmao who cares

America nuked japan not only once. To make japan surrender. Nuke works

afghanistan was never us territory. it's nothing like that.

The russian economy does not need to handle shit. North korea has been a fully militarized totalitarian mudhole and they have been fine. Fine in this sense meaning their leaders live in luxury and the citizens dont revolt. If the HDI of the average russian goes negative and russia becomes the new erithrea, the country will still continue to exist. There will be no "collapse" only very strong decline.

All the rich kids is fleeing. We all know this shit

>Russia is losing


Sweaty? It's an obvious pincer attack!

Attached: pincer.jpg (1080x1902, 631.86K)

How is that comparable in anyway? World War two is the most destructive conflict in human history. This isn’t even a regional war.
The only direct comparisons involving the US would be the War of 1812 or maybe the Philippines during WWII.