Single-handedly ruins attention spans, gives failures a "creative" outlet...

>Single-handedly ruins attention spans, gives failures a "creative" outlet, creates an NPC mindset among viewers who would rather watch a random faggot than an actual movie, inspires shitholes like twitch, and plagues the Any Forums board
Nothing personal.
If the mods 404 this shit, then they need to do the same with all e-celeb threads as well

Attached: youtubelogo-5c64435446e0fb000184a47e-3891185470.jpg (2000x1333, 94.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

OP here, sorry wrong picture.

Attached: tiktok_brain_cancer.jpg (729x1140, 62.92K)

>tens if not hours long vids

tik tok ruined everything not youtube

You're right, but without Youtube there would be no Tiktok.

for the longest time the youtube algo has preferred videos that are at least 10 minutes long.
is the real culprit.

And I'm sure there are 200,000 sycophantic autists in the world willing to watch those videos. Like bro, just watch Sátántangó

>>Single-handedly ruins attention spans
It really is a shame all those multi hour long podcasts, documentaries, and analysis videos I watch have ruined my attention span.


idk, 9.7 million views is pretty damn impressive

Attached: pyro.png (218x226, 38.43K)

This. The vast vast majority of YouTube watching is passive viewing of longer videos or music. The monetization, if anything, has only encouraged longer videos since its inception, not shorter ones.
TikTok is absolutely the culprit you're looking for.

youtube was good in the beginning when money wasn't involved and creators did what they did for fun.
then money came in and it started to fall.
as for tiktok it always has been shit.

In terms of ruining attention spans, Tiktok is absolutely shit. Idk why it has to be one or the other. Both sites are shit.
Youtube, shit like has fucked up the thinking. It's a den of Dunning-Kruger types speaking on subjects they don't know shit about. At least people on Dik-cok have fun.

Attention span isn't the problem. It's that people want to watch pointless trash. There is no difference between a 15 second meme video and a 7 hour video game analysis video, a 2 hour pseudointellectual podcast, or a 20 episode tv show review.

Vlogs >>>>>>> Video essays/commentary channels

>reaction videos where people literally talk through songs and movie trailers while commenting on them
How about quit whoring for thumbs up and subscriptions? If people like your shit, they'll do that on their own without being constantly harassed for it
>review videos because we gotta know the opinions of strangers on candy, clothes, perfume we can't even fucking smell, and everything else
>reaction-face thumbnails
>game walkthroughs where they have to self-insert to let you know it's them playing while they non-stop run their fucking motormouths.

The only thing good about Youtube is that it's the new "MTV" with all the music videos.

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Yep. I'd even go as far to say fuck critics in general. Rest in pieces Ebert and Siskel.
>reaction videos where people literally talk through songs and movie trailers while commenting on them
Doesn't matter because they have nothing to say. Even the "music producer reacts to song" videos are empty because they weren't there. They just read interviews/wikipedia articles and quote what they've "researched"

There was an odd innocence with YouTube in 2006. Watching those videos now and getting a good glimpse of 00s suburbia, it’s oddly heartwarming. By and large it’s been shit since 2014 though.

There used to be a "download" button to click so anything that was there was yours. It's long-gone now.

Off topic (kind of, that person is discreetly hidden in one of these pictured thumbnails), but is it more pathetic to have a 3D waifu than a 2D waifu? On the basis that they actually are real and everything?

On the PC it's alright due to adblock, BUT on a smartTV it's fucking rage. The ads slow everything down, and even routinely crash the TV while loading. It's funny how my TV can handle long-ass 2+ hour vids in 4k with no prob, but the 15-to-30-second ads routinely crash. I wish they'd fix that problem, but instead they're shoving in more ad interruptions which only amplifies it.

In 2022, going your own way will lead to a happier result. Never marry, and if you reproduce, get all the legal stuff worked out so alimony doesn't fuck you