It was just a clump of cells michael

>it was just a clump of cells michael

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An abortion, Michael! Something that's unholy and evil!

You're a lump of cells.

Enjoy your black baby boom, retard. 2040 is going to look like a fucking Robocop Detroit.

>kills her child just to get his attention
the biggest women moment in the history of women moments

Just like it did for 200 years before RvW

Close your legs WHORES

>2040 is going to look like a fucking Robocop Detroit.
2022 Detroit already looking like Robocop Detroit.

Not only that, but for the vindictive purpose of revenge.
Based Dagos exposing the truth

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wow i didnt know detroit was a single house

I watched robocop a few days ago and there was one black criminal.

Roe v Wade: January 1973
Godfather II: December 1974

Interesting. Very, very interesting.

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isnt detroit cold, dont niggers hate snow

They came up here for jobs in auto factories. Then the city died and all the jobs left. Not sure what happened. Some new variable was introduced to the city but its still unclear.

No wonder the pyramids are leaving

they love gibs more

>we don't kill fetuses here, only grown well-stablished human being, that's what our desert manual told us

>if I call it a fetus that makes it ok
Science really is amazing.

I prefer the term parasite

>Some new variable was introduced to the city but its still unclear.
Cheap chinese labor and market fetishists gaining political power.

Heckin based lol. Just like in my women's lib classes.

It’s thousands of houses that look just like that one (if they’re still standing at all)

I'm christian therefore not racist, and I'm glad God will bless us with more black babies, all babies are from God our saviour, doesn't matter the skin colour :)