I wonder what these retards gain from this, really

I wonder what these retards gain from this, really.

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>that title
no thanx

>womyn video essays

Don't think so.

>it's ACTUALLY a tranny
you can't make this up

I'm not clicking your gay link. Fuck off.


>some bitch and a dude with a full beard in a purple wig critiquing kino negatively

Hard pass from me my nigga

I'm not going to watch 30 minutes of this shit just to hear her say something retarded and neither should you.

If you had timestampped the part of the part of the vid where she says somethign retarded I would have given it a chance but as is fuck off retard nigger.

also get a life and stop watching youtube "essays" where someone talks pretentiously and try-hard for 50 minutes

have women ever just considered that they are genuinely inferior

I'm seriously floored when people say this show or that historical figure was racist or sexist... but are using 2022 standards. Like have you not payed attention to any sort of history whatsoever? In 10 years the most social of justice warriors will be considered insensitive to whatever the fuck is popular to score justice points at the time. I've gotten in countless arguments about this shit with people

the simpsons said tranny multiple times less than 15 years ago

not even watching the video, but just going off the thumbnail, why can't something be good and sexist? why does it being sexist automatically mean its bad?
Women watched and loved many "sexist" television shows and movies throughout the decades, the idea that something is bad now because it doesn't adhere to modern standards is retarded

>The Simpsons - Stereotypical Accent (Indian)
>Ms. Marvel - Stereotypical Accent (Pakistani)
One of these is a horrible racism. But only one.

You sure? Sounds and looks like a frumpy 5/10 feminist. Troons can rarely sound like actual women.

>I used to like thing but you told me not to so now I don't
These fucking NPC's are so easily controlled.

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Watched the first 3 minutes. Is the simpsons episode where Apu has octuplets really considered a jump the shark moment for the show? Thought there would be more notable moments be before that.

scrub through the video
you'll see it

LMAO fucking these people are so full of themselves its insane. This isn't about anything other than narcissism

>[X] is [y], [statement]
>..."And that's a good thing"
ANY video essays.
They make up 70% of video essays. I'm not fucking with you.
Every comment section on every video. Youtube was a mistake. It is the factory that created NPCs, though Twitch will one day replace it.
No idea why people would rather watch some random faggot sitting in a chair, talking to their cameras, over an actual movie/show, but okay.

They're not controlled, they just like to announce their newfound superiority after every revelation. A troon dropped some truth bombs about "accusations," that makes it an event.

>the white men are here
>how do you know?
>youtube video essay

well most of the audience is troons and children they're grooming to troondom