You go Cameron! Tell those viewers with short attention spans to fuck off!

You go Cameron! Tell those viewers with short attention spans to fuck off!

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>americans can't go 4 hours without eating corn syrup-laden goyslop, or drinking carbonated syrup

the "I have to pee" thing is just an excuse because they're ashamed to admit it. Remember when speaking to a mutt on the internet there's a 50% chance that they're basically a crack addict and are so wired on high blood sugar that they can't think straight.
Most americans reading this post are either eating or drinking calories right this second. They tell themselves that this is okay and there's nothing wrong with it, even though if they went 24 hours without food they'd slip into a diabetic coma from the sheer bodily shock of not having mountains of glucose in their body.

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Trust in Jim

Yeah, you know there is nothing those nerds hate more than overly-long world-building movies

His ability to make entertaining movies withstanding, Cameron, as a person, is such a snivelling faggot.
>But for Cameron, who took over the helm of the second film in the series, Aliens, the scene [Ripley's strip] simply crossed the line.
>“For me that stepped over the line, [when I took over] I said I think I can make a movie with a compelling female character who doesn’t have to do that, so that’s been my goal and my mission throughout,” he told
>“I’ve never really operated under studio pressure, I’m sure a lot of filmmakers do [feel pressure to sexualise characters], but I was able to be successful enough, early enough, that they kind of left me alone aesthetically.
>“I follow my own muse for what I think is right. My films continue to be successful and they continue to not objectify women so I think that speaks for itself.
>“I made it my goal to make women interesting without making them sex objects and I think I was pretty successful at doing that.”
>be Cameron
>in 2010's claim Ridley Scott 'crossed the line' due to the panties scene in Alien
>even though it made perfect contextually sense to make her more vulnerable to the Giger Alien that had a far heavier emphasis of sexual and violation elements
>even though Cameron, in fact, had the more unnecessary scene Ripley in some tight underwear in the 1st act of Aliens when her and the Marines wake up from their sleep and then again end of the movie
Cameron is a hypocrite full of shit who decided to throw Ridley under the bus for the sake of some stupid self aggrandisement, and in such a way that someone can easily call bullshit on his claims.

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Have you been to America?

extremely based

I'm American and I have averaged 0.73 meals a day over the last 6 months.

when was the last time you ate or drank any type of calories? 30 minutes ago I'm willing to bet
I bet the first thing you do every morning is walk to the fridge and gulp down a load of concentrated "orange" juice, got to start the day right by poisoning your pancreas!

God I want to see a cute girl piss herself in the theater because she doesn’t want to miss the movie

I wish they'd bring back intermissions.
Not just a screen fading to black either. I want the full orchestra shit while I wait.

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No goy, that would be wasting screening time. If we cut intermissions we could fit in 0.446 more screening per day!

I'm not American, nor fat. Your posts are high effort enough but obviously shit stirring bait, not some sincere expression of hatred informed by some initimate experiences of touring America.

>longer movie
>same price
What's the complaint again?

failed test screenings seethe

sunk cost fallacy moron

since i hate people that are so insecure they have to put others down I have to agree with this user

>"I don't want whining"
What is he, a highschool english teacher? Who is he to talk down to the people who are paying for the product he is putting out?

Wasn’t the Batman longer and they still charged more for it

Do 8 eggs count