Will you watch the new lord of the rings?

Will you watch the new lord of the rings?

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No. Now fuck off.
Anyone replying to this thread after me is a faggot btw.

I'm a faggot btw.

Most on Any Forums will watch it. The question is will they watch it twice?

Im a faggot by the way so absolutely.
Its going to be fab.

Fuck no it will be complete garbage.

>Most on Any Forums will watch it.
No. They won't.
This isn't 2015 any more. They know what's coming, they've seen it before. It will be two or three retards watching it just to shitpost about it, and shills self-bumping the inevitable shill threads.

Any Forums didn't watch Wheel of Time. Isn't watching Ms Marvel (and those threads are so sad I almost want to watch it out of pity). Didn't bother with The Eternals. Still hasn't seen Lightyear.


The Boys S3 is pozzed ultra leftist shit too

>i'm a member of the LGBTQ+ community
>i won’t support diversity
I hereby, expel you from out little club

Because everyone watched Wheel of Time, right

And I'm not watching it.
But to be clear, there's wokeshit, and then there's diversity casting in fantasy shows wokeshit.

the books are garbage
the movies are garbage
the show will be garbage

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I think the LGBTQ+ community is really cool, I'm a white supremacist btw

Fine I'll start my own club. With blackjack. And hookers.

No, I don't watch any fantasy movies at all.

its a good show tbqhwyfam

No because even the original is gay

Only if you're a brain dead retard

Yep, definitely watching it even if that ends up just being for Morf

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Nice try. Almost called you based then that pic clearly gave you away as a turbo-fag trying to cover its tracks.

This face is so cum-onnable, can you imagine