So now that the dust has settled

So now that the dust has settled...
who was the best painter?

Attached: famouse painters.png (1002x1416, 2.63M)

honorary mention...

Attached: george bush.png (1530x572, 1.33M)

Virgin Hitler realism
Brad Churchill abstractism
Chad Stalin expressionism

wait a sec what the fuck is wrong with hitler's columns and that house on the left it looks weird as shit

actual stalin's drawing

Attached: stalin200.jpg (515x800, 131.06K)

I like stalins one for some odd reason.

it looks fine. please be respectful to people who are working on their art, saying 'what the fuck is wrong etc.' isn't going to help the guy that made it

i worship stalin.

Attached: a51f37e9242eff3066614b004ccdc803.jpg (564x733, 106.98K)

the perspective tends to be off on all of his paintings...

Attached: Adolf_Hitler_-_Michaelerplatz,_Vienna,_Austria.jpg (1280x879, 367.57K)


Stalin was a soyfag?

Wow, the Stalin one is great.


Attached: 1635538773817.gif (214x255, 1.31M)

I miss him.
Back when US imperialism was seen as evil but oafish and funny. Now it's just evil and pernicious with the endless SJW.

i miss him too
early 2000s US was zogbot kino, since then its lost the last bit of soul it had

Attached: putin by george bush.png (652x782, 809.47K)

This. 90/2000s zog was atleast kino witouth the tranny/blm bullshit

Based joseph

>a soyjak

Is that a hecking Berzerk reference?

stalin drew soyjaks what the fuck
he even draw him being hung by his balls

objectively Hitler was the best of the 3 unless you are a pseud. most of his paintings were done in his teens too

Attached: 0_adolf-hitler-auction-1554751 (2).jpg (615x749, 56.17K)