Has 5 kids despite being poor as fuck

>has 5 kids despite being poor as fuck

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Low IQ slavs.

Oyyyyy think about da economy goy

Very very bad they should get a french bulldog and work 11 hours a day

the story of my parents. Except we wer only 4. And my mom was an alcoholic and suicidal to top it off

Will Bryan Cranston ever not dunk on Any Forums?
Even his shitty trailer and pile of filth is better than mine.

At least it's realistic.

>5 kids
that's not possible

Did she ever try to kill herself? Was she ever put in a mental hospital?

Not him but yes and yes.

You just have to keep them alive for 16 years or so and if at least two are interested in working, bam, free money forever.

more kids, more money from the gubment

why is that free money?

The children give you money.

lol, what 3rd world shithole are you in? kids are asking for money for their first car and shit when they are 16/17.

>Wassup guys it's Aaron Paul, and I-

From their "poor as fuck" family? Are you retarded or too fucking stupid to even pay attention to a one-sentence context?

checked, but why would kids give their family money lol zoomers only care about themselves

With inflation, the stagnation of wages and the cosy of living, children could work 40 hours a week and still not make enough to pay for themselves and move forward in life

poor people fuck more

>why spend cigarette money on rubbers when my pull out game is so strong ;)

To help the family. Usually the kids would be inheriting the land or the business too so it was an investment from their point of view. However greedy boomers expect their kids to hand over their wages, but when they die they leave them fuck all because
>muh bootstraps, generational-wealth bad when white people do it

was she as much of a hateful bitch Lois was?